<44>爬得越高,摔得越重。He that climbs high falls heavily.44><82>教育之于心靈,猶如雕刻之于大理石。What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.82><126>樂觀的人在災難中看到希望;悲觀的人在希望中看到災難。An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; A pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.126><60>知識令人謙虛;無知使人驕傲。Knowledge makes humble; Ignorance makes proud.60><38>小孩子耳朵長。Little children have long ears.38><29>及早不及晚。Better early than late.29><65>戲謔不能化敵為友,只能使人失去朋友。A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend.65><53>熟知其事,了如指掌。Know something like the palm of one's hand.53><37>朋友是時間的竊賊。Friends are thieves of time.37><26>趁風揚帆。Sail before the wind.26><45>初次見面,印象最深。First impressions are most lasting.45><30>酒好客自來。Good wine needs no bush.30><34>以賊捉賊。Set a thief to catch a thief.34><62>無可挽回。潑水難收?There is no turning back. You can't wash your hands.62><62>友誼可以增添歡樂,可以分擔憂愁。Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs.62><92>學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。Learning without thought is Labour lost; thought without learning is perilous.92><24>時間考驗真理。Time tries truth.24><29>并非所有的都能獲第一。All are not first.29><49>找出病根等于治愈了一半。To know the disease is half the cure.49><115>世界上沒有什么事情,較之虛度年華,一事無成,更使人痛心。Nothing in the world is more distressing than wasting one's time and achieving nothing.115><72>一塊一塊把石移,高山也可變平地。Remove a stone by stone, and a mountain will be leveled.72><36>事物都有它的反面。Every coin has its reverse.36><60>審人論事宜謹慎,一見之下莫斷定。Judge not of men and matters at first sight.60><39>光榮是美德的影子。Glory is the shadow of virtue.39><35>事業在先,享樂在后。Business before pleasure.35><43>有好妻子就有好丈夫。A good wife makes a good husband.43><22>備而不用。Take precautions.22><35>無知就無疑。Ignorance is the best policy.35><55>戰爭造成盜賊,和平把他們吊死。War makes thieves, and peace hangs them.55><38>使你有益于人。Make yourself useful to others.38><75>幸運喜歡勇敢的人,而不喜歡怯懦的人。Fortune smiles upon the brave and frowns upon the coward.75><32>真愛永不老。True love never grows old.32><58>累不死人愁死人。Fatigue never killed a man but worry killed a man.58><51>人生如下棋,多謀得勝利。In life, as in chess, forethought wins.51><92>要想太太平平,生活安定,必須耳聰目明,善言動聽。To live a quiet and secure life, one must hear, see, and speak well.92><40>老謀是不會失算的。Old birds are not to be missed.40><26>臭名氣并不光彩。Fame is not glory.26><49>棋錯一著,全盤皆輸。One wrong move can lose the whole game.49><43>文明不能改變本性。Civilization cannot change nature.43><38>失之毫厘,謬以千里。A miss is as good as a mile.38><59>禮貌不費分文而可贏得一切。Politeness costs nothing and gains everything.59><43>夜鶯困籠不唱歌。Nightingales cannot sing in a cage.43><47>如果沒有智慧,財富就無價值。Wealth is nothing without wisdom.47><26>心貪手長。Greed has long hands.26><62>寧為犬首,不作獅尾。Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.62><59>愛情做許多事,金錢做任何事。Love does many things, money does everything.59><21>時間就是金錢。Time is money.21><35>習慣成自然。Custom makes all things easy.35><25>本性難移。Old habits die hard.25><46>無人總是當傻瓜,人人有時當傻瓜。No man is a fool all the time.46><40>半塊面包亦勝無。Half a loaf is better than none.40><49>三次搬家猶如一次失火。Three removes are as good as one fire.49><31>習慣是第二天性。Habit is second nature.31><43>不要本末倒置。Don't put the cart before the horse.43><53>天無絕人之路。God never shuts one door but he opens another.53><57>放入錢包的錢財,并非都是應得的。All is not gain that is put in the purse.57><45>忠言逆耳利于行。Unpleasant advice is a good medicine.45><59>只會用功不玩耍,聰明孩子也變傻。All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.59><51>飲食有節制,醫生無用處。A doctor is no use to a temperate diet.51><80>朋友像琴弦,不能太擰緊。Friends are like fiddle-strings, they must not be screwed too tight.80><85>整個世界是個舞臺,男男女女,演員而已。All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.85><21>愛情是盲目的。Love is blind.21><74>讀書使人充實,交談使人精明。By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it.74><40>榮譽歸于應得榮譽的人。Honour to whom honour is due.40><32>先想后說。First think and then speak.32><98>愚蠢的本質是只看到別人的錯處而忘卻了自己的過失。It is the nature of folly to see the faults of others and forget your own.98><83>自然教我們愛朋友,宗教卻教我們愛敵人。Nature teaches us to love our friends, but religion our enemies.83><27>人是靠希望活著的。Man lives by hope.27><27>和氣生財。Harmony breeds wealth.27><179>所有的人自由后,才能完全自由;所有的人都有道德,才能完全合乎道德;所有的人都幸福了,才能真正幸福。All men are not free until they are all free; All people are moral, can be fully moral; No man is really happy till all are happy.179><29>有愿望就有信念。Wishing is believing.29><16>貪得無厭。Insatiable.16><35>敬而遠之。Keep at a respectful distance.35><26>財多體衰。Wealth spoils health.26><35>看人挑擔不吃力。It is easy to carry a load.35><58>你不可能出售乳牛,同時又要喝牛奶。You cannot sell the cow and sup the milk.58><49>(LouisaMay)愛情是一個偉大的美化家。Love isa great landscaper.49><55>理由充足,行動就堅決。When the reason is good, the action is firm.55><53>最善良的人往往是最勇敢的人。The best hearts are always the bravest.53><84>浪費時間是一切花費中最奢侈豪華的費用。Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.84><42>口蜜腹劍者不乏其人。There is no lack of such people.42><55>凡事總是由難而易。All things are difficult before they are easy.55><33>各人管各人自己。Every man is his own man.33><41>一燕不成夏。One swallow does not make a summer.41><72>豐年五谷賤如草,荒年稻草貴如糧。In good years corn is straw, in bad years straw is corn.72><25>慎始為上。Beware of beginning.25><58>最不行的人,往往能提出最好的意見。The worst men often give the best advice.58><35>習慣是后天養成的。Custom is a second nature.35><30>兵貴神速。Speed is the soul of war.30><27>多說反壞事。Much said, much done.27><70>想想你所說的一切,不要全部說出你所想的。Think of all that you say, not all that you think.70><28>愛情不怕危險。Love fears no danger.28><64>不要與一個有專業知識的人爭論。Don't argue with a man of professional knowledge.64><48>以己度人。Measure another's corn by one's own bushel.48><65>深水靜靜流,淺溪潺潺流。Deep waters run in silence, shallow Brooks in murmur.65><42>好人走運人更好。Good men and lucky men are better.42><32>節約是個好收入。Economy is good revenue.32><51>閑話少說,言歸正傳。Cut the chatter and get down to business.51><53>要費時思考,急躁會壞事。Take time for deliberation; haste spoils.53>