老師要我們暑假寫一篇叫 我想考入( )學(xué)校 但我不知道怎么寫 請你幫幫我
Pay attention to your GPA. You don"t need a
【第4句】:0 to get into a great school, but remember that your cumulative GPA for all four years of high school is sometimes used as an initial screen for colleges that receive a plethora of applications. Higher grades will give you more choices when choosing between colleges, and will also give you better financial aid.Study for tests. Know which study techniques work best for you, and use them.Do your homework.Pay attention in class, and take good notes.Get good recommendation letters. Choose which teachers you ask carefully - pay attention to how well you did in that class, whether you think the teacher liked you, whether you liked the class, and how much effort you put into the class.Get involved. Use special knowledge you have to help others. Volunteer in places that interest you, tutor other students, spread your knowledge!Show even more of your leadership qualities by talking to teachers and staff.Show them your respect. Also talk to students around your school often. Run for leadership positions in your extra-curricular activities.Instead of joining all the extracurriculars you can, pick a few you enjoy and stick with them. Colleges will be impressed by your dedication and commitment.Choose a focus. Figure out what you are interested in, and try to find what kind of jobs you might like to have. Once you"ve chosen a subject of interest, dive into it! Take more courses in that area, find an internship, get a job, volunteer -- the opportunities are endless.Enter contests. Even if you don"t win, the time and effort you put into the contests can only help. And if you do win, the words First Place in the ___ Contest really stand out!When choosing colleges to apply to, do your research. Choose a variety of schools to apply to and analyze your chances at getting in by looking at mean test scores and GPA"s. Choose a couple schools that are a stretch, a good amount of target schools, and a few safety schools. If you apply only to Ivy League schools, you significantly decrease your chances of getting into college as those are some of the most selective schools in the country.Prepare for your interview. If possible, try to arrange an on-campus interview rather than an alumni interview off campus. On-campus interviews are conducted directly by an admissions officer, and thus an on-campus interview holds more weight than an off-campus interview, which can be to your benefit if your personality and dedication is more than what the numbers say about you.Relax. Most of the time, your interview will not make or break you, unless you make an extremely bad impression by showing up in torn jeans and a sweaty t-shirt and start swearing at the admissions officer.Research the school before going to the interview. Think about why you are applying, why it would be a good school for you and what you would bring to the school.Think of questions. Whether this is an alumni interview or an interview with an admissions officer, realize that this is a great way to find out more about the school! If you are interviewing with an alumnae, ask them about their experience at the school, what their favorite part was, about the dorms, the food, etc.Be natural. Show the interviewer exactly who you are and why you are interesting. Be friendly and polite, and show them your good side!Look on the internet for some common college interview questions[2], and think of your answers. Some common questions: Why do you want to go to this university? What books do you like to read? What do you do in your free time?Brush up on some current events. You don"t need to know everything that"s going on in the world, but it"s a good idea to read the newspaper daily for at least a couple days before the interview.