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【第1句】:驢子能負重,但不堪超過力之所及。An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.

【第2句】:決心趕到目的地,浪漢何懼雨來淋。A surfer who is determined to reach his destination will not fear the rain.

【第3句】:起身不早,一天的工作難做好。He that does not rise early never does a good day's work.

【第4句】:凡事總是由難而易。All things are difficult before they are easy.

【第5句】:戇人有戇福。Fools have fortune.

【第6句】:初次見面,印象最深。First impressions are most lasting.


【第8句】:時間能夠治好(感情上的)創傷。Time heals wounds.

【第9句】:烏鴉總以為自己的雛鳥最美麗。The crow thinks her own birds fairest.

【第10句】:不經一事,不長一智。No pain no gain.

【第11句】:誠實是上策。Honesty is the best policy.

【第12句】:時光易逝。Time flies.

【第13句】:要成仇敵,多講;要成朋友,多聽。To become an enemy, speak more; To make friends, listen.

【第14句】:饒恕壞人便是傷害好人。He that pardons the bad injures the good.

【第15句】:有愿望就有信念。Wishing is believing.

【第16句】:好戲在后頭。The best is yet to come.

【第17句】:嘴上真君子,行動爛小人。A man of words is a man of action.

【第18句】:細心勤奮,帶來好運。Care and diligence bring luck.

【第19句】:向乞丐乞討,永遠發不了財。Beg from beggars and you'll never be rich.

【第20句】:人生無目的,猶如船失去了舵。A life without a purpose is a ship without a rudder.

【第21句】:行動是知識的巧果。Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.

【第22句】:自己應該做的事,決不要委托別人做。Never trust another what you should do yourself.

【第23句】:患難使人聰明,但不能致富。Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.

【第24句】:物以稀為貴。Rarity is the soul of wealth.

【第25句】:有時間,就有生活。Where there is time, there is life.

【第26句】:惡行易學。Evil is soon learned.

【第27句】:身處山窮水盡,力爭柳暗花明。At the end of one's rope, strive for the best.

【第28句】:時間會揭露一切。Time reveals all things.

【第29句】:考慮要仔細,行動要迅速。Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action.

【第30句】:愛借錢者不愛還錢。He that loves to borrow loves not to pay.

【第31句】:孔雀雖有華羽,但有賤足。The peacock has fair feathers, but foul feet.

【第32句】:飛來橫禍。A bolt from the blue.

【第33句】:小事聰明,大事糊涂。Penny wise and pound foolish.

【第34句】:榮譽能改變人的禮貌。Honour changes manners.

【第35句】:勿孤注一擲。Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

【第36句】:錢包不露底,思想需保留。A purse without its cover is a thought without its cover.

【第37句】:生活多愁,死亡必速。Sorrow in life hastens death.

【第38句】:空麻袋,立不直。An empty sack cannot stand upright.

【第39句】:不失時機。Lose no time.

【第40句】:旅行者最需要的是幾種語言。What the traveller needs most is several languages.

【第41句】:敵人獻禮品,千萬莫輕信。Believe not the gifts of the enemy.

【第42句】:多言吃苦,緘默少禍。Many words suffer, but silence seldom.

【第43句】:愛情作酬報,勞苦必輕松。Labour is light where love doth reward.

【第44句】:要想活得痛快,身上不能背債。He that will live well must not be in debt.

【第45句】:美德永遠不衰老。Virtue never grows old.

【第46句】:好書如摯友。A good book is a good friend.

【第47句】:笑在前不如笑在后。Better the last laugh than the first.

【第48句】:惺惺相惜。Like knows like.

【第49句】:朋友的要求不要拖。Do not delay at the request of a friend.

【第50句】:勞動根雖苦,然而果實甜。Labour has a bitter root but sweet fruit.

【第51句】:吃一塹,長一智。A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.

【第52句】:聰明人循理智辦事,平常人照經驗辦事,蠢人按需要辦事,畜生憑本能辦事。Wise men act by reason; ordinary men by experience; fools by necessity; brutes by instinct.

【第53句】:好馬不在鞍,人美不在衫。The best horse is not in the saddle.

【第54句】:莫道身軀小,偉人寓其間。A little body often harbours a great soul.

【第55句】:歷史往往重演。History repeats itself.

【第56句】:知識能使好人更好,壞人更壞。Knowledge makes a good man better and ill man worse.

【第57句】:目不瞬,心不亂。The eye is not instantaneous, the heart is not confused.

【第58句】:收獲與風險并存。He who risks nothing gains nothing.

【第59句】:在同一個人那里上兩次當只能怪自己。You have only yourself to blame for being taken in twice by the same man.

【第60句】:拔苗助長。Let the grass grow before it grows.

【第61句】:習慣是后天養成的。Custom is a second nature.

【第62句】:事難兩全其美。You can't have your cake and eat it.

【第63句】:半塊面包亦勝無。Half a loaf is better than none.

【第64句】:五更起床,百事興旺。He that will thrive must rise at five.

【第65句】:活到老,學到老。Never too old to learn.

【第66句】:公說公有理,婆說婆有理。There is much to be said on both sides.

【第67句】:要有兩個人才吵得起來。It takes two to make a quarrel.

【第68句】:吃得最多的人不一定最肥胖,讀書最多的人不一定最聰明。Those who eat the most are not necessarily the fattest, and those who read the most are not necessarily the wisest.

【第69句】:良馬不失蹄,賢妻不聒絮。A good horse that never stumbles, a good wife that never grumbles.

【第70句】:怎么說就怎么做。Do as you say.

【第71句】:愛情是不能買賣的。Love is neither bought nor sold.

【第72句】:適可而止,過猶不及。Enough is as good as too much.

【第73句】:大起者有大落。Big up, big down.

【第74句】:朋友成百猶覺少,仇敵一人已嫌多。One foe is too many, and a hundred friends too few.

【第75句】:做事應適可而止。Enough is enough.

【第76句】:鮮肉由天次,劣廚乃鬼遣。Fresh meat comes from heaven, and bad cooks are sent by ghosts.

【第77句】:沒有實踐,希望會化為烏有。Without practice, hope will come to naught.

【第78句】:任何事情都有好的時機,不要隨意放過。Everything has its time and that time must be watched.

【第79句】:金錢本身無好壞,要看怎樣利用它。Money is neither good nor bad, it is what you do with it.

【第80句】:只要有耐心,總會走好運。Fortune often rewards with interest those that have patience.

【第81句】:合法得來一個錢,勝過非法錢一千。One penny with right is better than a thousand without right.

【第82句】:謀事在天,成事在人。Man proposes, god disposes.

【第83句】:人不貴妻,自我丟臉。He that dishonors his wife dishonors himself.

【第84句】:舊情永難忘。Old love will never be forgotten.

【第85句】:愛情是沒理智的。Love is without reason.

【第86句】:萬事開頭小。All things begin small.

【第87句】:人心齊,泰山移。With one heart, tai shan yi.

【第88句】:少說失意事,莫夸好運道。Speak little of ill luck and boast not of good luck.

【第89句】:朋友要經考驗,才能取得信任。Friends are tried before they are trusted.

【第90句】:有錢能使鬼推磨。Money makes the mare to go.

【第91句】:舍本逐末。Cut the chase.

【第92句】:清水未打來,贓水莫倒掉。Cast not out the foul water till you have fresh water.

【第93句】:面包的氣味最香,食鹽的滋味最鮮,兒童的情愛最純。The best smell is bread, the best savour salt, the best love of children.

【第94句】:愿望不等于事實。Wishes do not equal facts.

【第95句】:節約是個好收入。Economy is good revenue.

【第96句】:我們必須千百次地反覆說明,堅韌不拔是取得勝利的唯一道路。We must repeat a thousand and one times that perseverance is the only road to success.

【第97句】:一個人的佳肴常為另一人的毒藥。One man's meat is another man's poison.

【第98句】:蠢人才吃兩次虧。It is a fool that has twice lost.

【第99句】:謊言者要有好的記憶力。Liars need good memories.




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