<71>驢子能負重,但不堪超過力之所及。An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.71><42>好人走運人更好。Good men and lucky men are better.42><66>清水未打來,贓水莫倒掉。Cast not out the foul water till you have fresh water.66><44>嘴巴不緊,生活不寧。A loose tongue makes a rough life.44><81>不懂掙錢和積財,只能永遠當奴才。He who does not know how to earn and save must always be a slave.81><29>事竟成,才聲張。What is done is done.29><32>一葉可障目。One leaf is enough to see.32><65>聞其歌知其鳥,聽其言知其人。A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.65><30>凡事要先思而后行。Think before you act.30><43>日落之前,平息你的怒火吧。Calm your anger before sunset.43><29>先工作,后娛樂。Work before pleasure.29><79>身體好就有希望,有希望就有一切。He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.79><28>酒后吐真言。Wine will speak truth.28><74>即使敵人小如鼠,也要防他如防虎。Though thy enemy seem a mouse, yet watch him like a tiger.74><57>切不可把健康作孤注一擲。You must not put all your eggs in one basket.57><101>良藥苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。A good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth, but good advice tastes bitter to the ear.101><46>無人總是當傻瓜,人人有時當傻瓜。No man is a fool all the time.46><31>沒有消息就是好消息。No news is good news.31><50>懶漢總嫌活太多。Too much work is too much for an idle man.50><27>禮貌造就人。Manners make the man.27><41>愛情是不能買賣的。Love is neither bought nor sold.41><41>傻瓜總愛強出頭。A fool always rushes to the fore.41><42>有花堪折直須折。Flowers may wrinkle but they must.42><47>鳥兒都愛聽自己唱歌。Each bird loves to hear himself sing.47><21>反敗為勝。Turn the tables.21><49>一愚所失,百智難回。A fool may throw a stone into the well.49><45>愛情使人適合任何工作。Love makes a man fit for any work.45><75>禍不單行。(不鳴則已,一鳴驚人。)Misfortunes never come alone. It never rains but it pours.75><34>人有稱心時,狗有得意日。Every dog has his day.34><59>未來屬于懂得等待的人。The future belongs to him who knows how to wait.59><49>爬得高往往跌得重。He that climbs high often falls heavily.49><44>討好每個人,人人不討好。Please everybody, please nobody.44><47>能有自知之明就是真正的進步。To know oneself is true progress.47><42>不要光是讀書,還要識人。Read not books alone, but men.42><50>欲知馬如何,可看套馬索。You may know the horse by his harness.50><55>蠟燭焚自身,光亮照別人。A candle lights others and consumes itself.55><41>敵人禮,藏危險。Gifts from enemies are dangerous.41><82>讀書可以使我門的思想充實,談話使其更臻完美。By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we polish it.82><27>弱肉強食。The law of the jungle.27><41>仁愛須由近及遠。Charity must go from near to far.41><45>物以類聚,世間皆如此。Birds of a feather flock together.45><49>行動是知識的巧果。Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.49><42>只問目的,不問手段。Ask only the end, not the means.42><77>機不可失,時不再來when an opportunity is not available, it is not time to halves again77><34>恩將仇報。Bite the hand that feeds one.34><68>雨雪不調,五谷價高。If the rain and snow do not adjust, grain prices are high.68><57>男人最可貴的是有一個賢淑的妻子。A man's best possession is a loving wife.57><63>世界上所有的智慧不可能集中于一個腦袋。All the wit in the world is not in one head.63><46>正當的收入才是真正的收入。Legitimate income is real income.46><33>時間能夠治好(感情上的)創傷。Time heals wounds.33><51>明槍易躲,暗箭難防。Better an open enemy than a false friend.51><40>榮譽歸于應得榮譽的人。Honour to whom honour is due.40><61>年輕人死得不少,而年邁者是在劫難逃。Young men die many, old men escape not any.61><41>失敗是成功之母。Failure is the mother of success.41><33>欺騙決非正當事。Cheating is never proper.33><49>不要不懂裝懂。Don't pretend to know what you don't know.49><32>大智若愚,大巧若拙。Still waters run deep.32><67>如果你少問,謊言就難進。If you ask little questions, lies will get you nowhere.67><51>調換一下工作是很好的休息。A change of work is as good as a rest.51><35>母愛永恒。A mother's love never changes.35><51>人生如下棋,多謀得勝利。In life, as in chess, forethought wins.51><24>欲速則不達。Haste makes waste.24><64>不癡不聾,不作阿家翁。He who is neither blind nor deaf will never be a man.64><55>弄醒睡獅不是好事。Waking up a sleeping lion is not a good thing.55><126>昨天已經消逝,把它忘掉;明天還未來到,不必煩惱;今天就在眼前,把它用好。Yesterday is dead, forget it; Tomorrow does not come, do not worry; Today is here. Use it.126><82>空談不如實驗。(實踐出真知)Experiment is better than talk. (true knowledge comes from practice)82><55>狐貍雖會跑,小雞有翅膀。Though the fox run, the chicken hath wings.55><58>貓都愛吃魚,卻怕爪弄濕。All cats love fish but fear to wet their PAWS.58><55>要快樂,最可靠的辦法是忙碌。The surest way to be happy is to be busy.55><27>血債血償。Blood will have blood.27><26>知識就是力量。Knowledge is power.26><77>晚霞紅如火,曉色青如灰,定是晴朗天。An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day.77><46>行動是對悲痛唯一的治療。Action is the only cure for grief.46><50>事情耽擱太久就沒有人會感謝了。Too long and no one will thank you.50><23>按部就班,循序漸進。Step by step.23><46>最高的藝術就是不露藝術。The highest art is to conceal art.46><62>過光棍生活,勝過有一個邋遢老婆。Better a bachelor's life than a slovenly wife.62><53>害人害己。HearallpartiesHarm set, harm get. Hearallparties53><62>早期的錯誤可以釀成日后的麻煩。Early mistakes are the seeds of future trouble.62><33>各人管各人自己。Every man is his own man.33><43>美德遠比美麗更美好。Virtue is fairer far than beauty.43><74>知識是一座寶庫,實踐是打開寶庫的鑰匙。Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.74><59>作最好的希望,作最壞的打算。Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.59><61>在世無朋友,死后無證人。Life without a friend is death without a witness.61><29>往事不重提。Let bygones be bygones.29><29>蟻多可殺馬。Many ants kill a horse.29><68>事業雖擾煩,懶惰更害人。Business may be troublesome, but idleness is pernicious.68><33>好事不做,壞事做絕。Do no good, do no evil.33><38>酒肉之交非朋友。Wine and meat make no friends.38><55>智者裹足不前,愚者鋌而走險。Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.55><18>是就是,非就非。Yes or no.18><57>為眾之所為,受眾之所夸。Do as the many do and be praised by the many.57><30>憂慮有損健康。Care is bad for health.30><60>知識令人謙虛;無知使人驕傲。Knowledge makes humble; Ignorance makes proud.60><21>惺惺相惜。Like knows like.21><57>要謹防不重自己名譽的人。Beware of him who regards not his reputation.57><50>坦白交代,身心愉快。A frank confession is good for the soul.50><58>骨肉越親,恩情越深。The closer the kindred, the deeper the kindness.58><123>三件事最困難∶保守秘密,忘卻傷害和善用精力。Three things are the most difficult: to keep a secret, to forget an injury, and to use energy wisely.123>