<30>過猶不及。Too much of a good thing.30><33>有其因必有其果。Every bean has its black.33><34>凡是都有起源。Everything has a beginning.34><18>不失時機(jī)。Lose no time.18><35>無知就無疑。Ignorance is the best policy.35><63>守財(cái)奴積的財(cái)富,對他自己沒好處。The money the miser hoards will do him no good.63><76>自信是走向成功的第一步。Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.76><61>擇友宜慎,棄之宜更慎。Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in giving up.61><24>懶散學(xué)為非。Learn by idleness.24><44>虛張聲勢,嚇唬而已。A threatened blow is seldom given.44><133>Andeveninthemostdifficulttimes,wefindthereisalwaysawaytogetthroughAndeveninthemostdifficulttimes, wefindthereisalwaysawaytogetthrough133><42>孤芳自賞。Each bird loves to hear himself sing.42><34>大腹便便,頭腦空虛。"Big belly, empty head."34><24>必須抓緊時間。We must hurry up.24><40>事業(yè)是人生的第一需要。Business is the salt of life.40><44>說得好不如做得好。Better to do well than to say well.44><26>理智約束著人。Reason governs man.26><52>時間就是金錢,但金錢不是時間。Time is money, but money is not time.52><92>完全虛度的日子是你一次也沒有笑過的日子。The most utterly lost days are those in which you have not once laughed.92><32>大智若愚,大巧若拙。Still waters run deep.32><65>講話不思考猶如射擊不對準(zhǔn)目標(biāo)。Speaking without thinking is shooting without aim.65><55>智者裹足不前,愚者鋌而走險(xiǎn)。Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.55><41>一次行詐騙,永遠(yuǎn)遇疑嫌。Once a knave, always a knave.41><48>吃一塹,長一智。A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.48><26>直言不諱。Call a spade a spade.26><65>美酒可制成烈醋,熱愛能變?yōu)樯畛稹ine may turn into vinegar, but love into enmity.65><77>追求而得的愛情固然美好,但不經(jīng)追求而得的愛情更為美好。Love sought is good, but given unsought is better.77><103>白天當(dāng)白天,夜晚當(dāng)夜晚,生活過得好,愉快而多歡。Make the night night, and the day day, and you will have a pleasant time of it.103><41>情場失意,賭場得意。Unlucky in love, lucky at play.41><44>書是隨時攜帶的花園。Books are a garden to carry about.44><35>習(xí)慣是后天養(yǎng)成的。Custom is a second nature.35><41>失敗是成功之母。Failure is the mother of success.41><103>小過彼此不相諒,兩人友誼難長久。Two persons cannot long be friends if they cannot forgive each other's little failings.103><33>莫逆至交,終有一別。Best friends must part.33><87>要使農(nóng)家富又足,必須養(yǎng)雞又養(yǎng)牛。To make a farmer rich and rich, he must raise both chickens and cattle.87><49>讀書如蜜蜂采花,吸取其中之精華。Use a book as a bee does flowers.49><45>行為可顯出一個人的品性。Actions reveal a man's character.45><56>在患難時得到朋友是幸運(yùn)的。It is fortunate to have friends in trouble.56><71>牛因有腳而被抓,人因有舌而遭殃。An ox is taken by the horns, and the man by the tongue.71><51>一心不可二用。A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.51><42>一只小雞已夠母雞辛忙。One chicken keeps the hen busy.42><45>言柔弱無能,行剛強(qiáng)有力。Speech is weak, action is strong.45><44>勤奮是最偉大的導(dǎo)師。Diligence is the greatest teacher.44><26>心貪手長。Greed has long hands.26><27>健康就是幸福。Health is happiness.27><54>欺詐可能得計(jì),但誠實(shí)總是上策。Knavery may serve, but honesty is best.54><29>播種早的收獲早。Early sow, early mow.29><43>日落之前,平息你的怒火吧。Calm your anger before sunset.43><47>能有自知之明就是真正的進(jìn)步。To know oneself is true progress.47><54>遠(yuǎn)處看山山更美。Mountains look more beautiful from a distance.54><32>民以食為天。Food is the staff of life.32><60>教育的目的在于培養(yǎng)品德。The object of education is to develop character.60><54>衣食足而后知榮辱。Feed and clothe, and honour and shame follow.54><34>良馬不失蹄。A good horse never stumbles.34><60>人人都有鴻運(yùn)高照之日。Fortune knocks once at least at every man's door.60><32>財(cái)少寡憂。Little wealth, little care.32><142>知識是萬物中最珍貴的財(cái)寶,丟不掉,偷不走,也不會損耗。Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away, nor stolen nor consumed.142><61>妻子浪費(fèi)無度,丈夫不會出頭。A man can never thrive who had a wasteful wife.61><56>身正不怕影子斜。A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.56><52>服從是軍人的第一職責(zé)。Obedience is the first duty of a soldier.52><35>太陽同樣地普照一切。The sun shines all alike.35><58>自由隨便,經(jīng)常墮落到無法無天。Liberty often degenerates into lawlessness.58><50>創(chuàng)業(yè)不易,守業(yè)更難。Business is hard, but keeping is harder.50><39>遷延因循,一事無成。He that delays, does nothing.39><79>愛人和得到人愛是人生最大的幸福。To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.79><97>縱然知其難免一死,人卻難料何時身亡。It is impossible to know when a man will die, even though he knows he must die.97><29>適者生存。Survival of the fittest.29><50>我們生命只一次,好自為之一次足矣。We only live once. That's enough.50><32>真愛永不老。True love never grows old.32><40>識時務(wù)者為俊杰。He is wise that knows the truth.40><61>天下無難事,只怕不努力。Nothing is difficult to the man who will not try.61><43>慎思不是拖延。Deliberation is not procrastination.43><28>人定勝天。Man can conquer nature.28><25>生活猶如梭子。Life is a shuttle.25><39>主人必須會服務(wù)。The host must be able to serve.39><51>人無所失,不亦樂乎。What a joy it is to have nothing to lose.51><47>有決心,就有辦法。Where there is a will, there is a way.47><125>理想好像星星,不能摘到,但我們猶如水手,可借它指引航向。Ideals are like the stars -- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them.125><31>這到總比不到強(qiáng)。Better late than never.31><36>人急造反,狗急跳墻。A cat may jump at a straw.36><34>好事不出門,壞事傳千里。Ill news travels fast.34><64>不癡不聾,不作阿家翁。He who is neither blind nor deaf will never be a man.64><44>嘴巴不緊,生活不寧。A loose tongue makes a rough life.44><65>待到炮聲響,辯論已莫及。By the sound of gunfire, the debate was out of reach.65><29>貌美毋須修飾。Beauty needs no brush.29><50>一個有決心的人將找到他的道路。A determined man will find his way.50><54>做事樂意,諸事容易。All things are easy that are done willingly.54><35>敬而遠(yuǎn)之。Keep at a respectful distance.35><71>心靈不在它生活的地方,而在它所愛的地方。The mind is not where it lives, but where it loves.71><50>一知半解,害已誤人。A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.50><62>早期的錯誤可以釀成日后的麻煩。Early mistakes are the seeds of future trouble.62><30>不要異想天開。Don't cry for the moon.30><41>一次為成人,兩度當(dāng)小孩。Once a man and twice a child.41><113>在世界上沒有一件東西有如人那樣偉大,在人之內(nèi)沒有一件東西有如人心那么偉大。Nothing in the world is so great as man, nothing in man is so great as mind.113><46>錯無分大小,有錯皆不好。There is no such thing as a fault.46><43>情生情,愛生愛。Love begets love, love begets love.43><58>不合潮流不如脫離塵世。Better be out of the world than out of fashion.58><43>今天是昨天的學(xué)者。Today is the scholar of yesterday.43><38>過去的事情無可挽回。The past cannot be recalled.38>