<104>話未出口屬于己,話一出口屬別人。When a word is not spoken it belongs to you, but when it is spoken it belongs to others.104><78>如果我們決定寬恕一個敵人,但決不能相信他。If we decide to forgive an enemy, we can never trust him.78><36>坐享其成。Enjoy the fruits of your labor.36><72>心頭的痛苦比肉體的痛苦更厲害。The pain of the heart is worse than the pain of the body.72><38>輕諾必寡信。Promise little and trust little.38><55>戰爭造成盜賊,和平把他們吊死。War makes thieves, and peace hangs them.55><42>孩子不打不成器。Spare the rod and spoil the child.42><54>頑皮淘氣的男孩子有時成為仁人君子。Naughty boys sometimes make good men.54><41>沒有朋友者,等于是死人。He who has no friend is dead.41><28>虎父生犬子。Like father, like son.28><34>好事不出門,壞事傳千里。Ill news travels fast.34><52>盤中小魚勝無魚。Better a little fish than no fish in a dish.52><46>巧婦難為無米之炊。One cannot make bricks without straw.46><57>一念之錯可鑄終生之恨。One wrong thought may breed a lifelong hatred.57><51>通向光榮的道路常常是坎坷不平的。The path to glory is always rugged.51><42>放虎歸山。Let the tiger return to the mountain.42><33>獨眼總比全瞎好。Better one eye than none.33><44>世上無全能。There is no such thing as omnipotence.44><24>時間考驗真理。Time tries truth.24><37>人心不同,猶如其面。Men are not what they seem.37><44>常常走動,無病無痛。Walking often, no disease no pain.44><40>戰爭一開始,地獄門敞開。When war begins, hell opens.40><77>勤勉是幸福的右手,節儉是幸福的左手。Industry is happiness's right hand, and frugality her left.77><47>席間心情愉快是為上策。It is best to be cheerful at dinner.47><75>幸運喜歡勇敢的人,而不喜歡怯懦的人。Fortune smiles upon the brave and frowns upon the coward.75><53>螞蟻不說話,但最善于說教。The ant preaches best, but says nothing.53><36>大希望造就大人物。Great hopes make great man.36><47>善言是世上的音樂。Kind words are the music of the world.47><77>著手前要深思熟慮,執行要果斷有力。Deliberate before you begin, and decisive in your execution.77><27>人愛其家。A man loves his house.27><49>忍耐是治療一切傷痛的藥膏。Patience is a plaster for all sores.49><72>彼叩門聲響,必來報佳音。If he knocks at the door loudly, he will bring good tidings.72><52>考慮要仔細,行動要迅速。Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action.52><25>害人反害己。Harm set, harm get.25><132>如果你是膽小鬼,你就是自己最大的敵人;如果你是勇敢者,你就是自己最好的朋友。If you are a coward, you are your own worst enemy. If you are brave, you are your best friend.132><31>無苦即無樂。No pleasure without pain.31><22>一廂情愿。Wishful thinking.22><48>新巢捉不到老鳥。Old birds are not caught with new nests.48><43>活得最久長,終難免一亡。He that lives longest must die.43><43>劣工咎器。A bad workman quarrels with his tools.43><40>適可而止,過猶不及。Enough is as good as too much.40><98>不勞則無獲,共難才得福,有榮必有辱,無苦即無樂。No pain, no gain; no pain, no gain; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.98><53>愛情可以意會,無需言傳。Love understands love; it needs no words.53><40>半塊面包亦勝無。Half a loaf is better than none.40><28>拖延誤事。Delay catches no flies.28><26>不要謀之過早。Don't jump the gun.26><31>說得容易,做得難。Easier said than done.31><68>粗話無害,甘言無益。Bad words will do no harm, but good words will do no good.68><41>情場失意,賭場得意。Unlucky in love, lucky at play.41><56>兩頭落空。If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.56><59>孤身獨處的人可以為圣哲,也可為惡魔。A man alone is either a saint or a devil.59><38>蓋棺才能定論。The last word is the last word.38><44>工作能證明誰人做得好。Work bears witness who does well.44><36>老狐貍不需要教師。Old foxes want no teachers.36><61>誠實的人馬上結婚,聰明的人就不這樣。Honest men marry soon, wise men not at all.61><59>綢緞要熄滅廚房的火。Silks and satins put out the fire in the kitchen.59><69>知道利用幸福的人才有幸福。Happiness lies for those who know how to make use of it.69><54>行動是果實,言語只是樹葉而已。Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves.54><37>權高樹敵多。Great powers make many enemies.37><41>萬物逢時皆美好。Everything is good in its season.41><76>我們生活中可以沒有兄弟,但不能沒有朋友。We can live without a brother, but not without a friend.76><27>大智若愚。Still waters run deep.27><38>絕處能逢生。Every cloud has a silver lining.38><35>鄉有鄉俗。Every country has its customs.35><71>惹得傻瓜發火,不如使他快活。It is better to make a fool happy than to make him angry.71><42>怕死者活不了。He that fears the dead cannot live.42><39>空手誘不來老鷹。Empty hands do not lure eagles.39><87>要使農家富又足,必須養雞又養牛。To make a farmer rich and rich, he must raise both chickens and cattle.87><52>黎明前是最黑暗的時刻。The darkest hour is that before the dawn.52><32>愚者總好無事生非。Fools will make a fuss.32><49>精通一事勝于會十事。Better master one than engage with ten.49><52>仁慈是社會生活中的陽光。Kindness is the sunshine of social life.52><37>吾生有涯,而知無涯。Art is long, life is short.37><44>虛榮能開花,但從不結果。Vanity blossoms but never bears.44><48>籬笆有眼,隔墻有耳。Hedges have eyes, and walls have ears.48><56>身正不怕影子斜。A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.56><37>經驗是良師。Experience is the best teacher.37><71>不要為未來擔憂,不要為過去悲泣。Don't worry about the future. Don't weep over the past.71><103>白天當白天,夜晚當夜晚,生活過得好,愉快而多歡。Make the night night, and the day day, and you will have a pleasant time of it.103><57>激動時所立的誓,平靜時會忘記的。"Vows made in heat are forgotten in calm.57><26>不要丟三落四。Don't be forgetful.26><34>朋友是另一個我。A friend is a second self.34><26>人靠衣裝。Clothes make the man.26><50>吹號角的未必都是獵人。All are not hunters that blow the horn.50><45>問路總比迷路好。Better to ask the way than go astray.45><37>真正的愛情是永不會忘記的。True love never forgets.37><42>智慧來自經驗。Experience is the mother of wisdom.42><57>自吹自擂的人是最大的謊言者。The greatest liars talk most of themselves.57><16>勢均力敵。It's a tie.16><47>偉大與渺小相得益彰。Greatness and littleness go together.47><64>相馬不可憑馬的裝飾。A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings.64><71>聰明的人有足夠的才智處理自己的事情。A wise man is wise enough to handle his own business.71><37>錢多毀青年。Abundance of money ruins youth.37><65>不該花的亂花,要花時沒有花。Spend not where you will, spend not where you will.65><73>不正當得來的便士會使正當得來的英鎊受到污濁。A misearned penny taints a rightfully earned pound.73><21>心直口快。Speak your mind.21><68>我們不知道的東西多得不可勝數。There is an infinite number of things we do not know.68><47>信心為成功之始。Confidence is the beginning of success.47><46>賠了夫人又折兵。Lose your wife and lose your soldiers.46>