


佚名 分享 時間: 加入收藏 我要投稿 點贊



1. 能掌握節日單詞 children’s day、christmas、mid-autumn festival、dragon boat festival和spring festival。

2. 能通過課前的信息搜集,課上的團隊合作以及課后的自學,掌握以下節日

new year’s day、halloween、may day、national day 。

3. 能掌握四會句型

when’s…?it’s in…what do people usually do at/on…?they…

4. 學生能運用本單元的四會句型和日常交際用語談論節日中人們的活動以及自己曾做過的事。





多媒體課件 實物


step1: warming-up



what day is it ? what date is it today?

what do you usually do at the weekends?

(設計意圖: 在上課開始,與學生親切自然地相互問候,使學生快速進入英語學習的氛圍,同時為下一步教學做鋪墊。)

step2: presentation:

1. t:(教師手拿日歷)what date is it?

s: it’s the first of october.

t: what holiday is on the first of october.

s: it’s national day.


ss:children’s day, teacher’s day, christmas, national day, halloween---

揭示主題: holidays

magic eyes


2. 教學 spring festival

(1)。(look at the screen)there is a duck, a cake and some fruit. oh, they are very delicious.(扮演出正在吃美味食物的樣子)here“delicious”means“nice”。 (teach:delicious ←de-li-cious)

t: we can eat delicious food at spring festival.

teach: spring festival 春節

(2)。let’s read

it is a popular holiday in china. it is in january or february. people eat a lot of delicious food. they usually visit their relatives and friends.

relative means your parents,uncle,aunt,cousin,grandparents and so on.

it means…?

ss:(引導學生說出答案)it means親戚!

t:(teach: relative ←re-la-tive)

(3)。 教學what do people usually do at spring festival?

t: what do people usually do at spring festival?

read: people 人,人們

practice: what do people usually do at spring festival?

they usually---

did you --- last spring festival?

yes, i did. no, i didn’t.

3. 教學 mid-autumn festival & dragon boat festival.

and there are some chinese traditional(傳統的) festivals in china,too. we have spring festival, mid-autumn festival and dragon boat festival.

t:(show the picture of mid-autumn festival)

can you guess what fesitval it is from this picture?


t:yes,it’s mid-autumn festival.(teach: mid-autumn festival.)

when’s spring festival?

s:it’s on the 15th of august.

t:no,it’s in september or october. (日歷展示)

what do people usually do at mid-autumn festival?if you can’t say in english,you can say it in chinese.(在用英語無法表達時,允許學生用中文來補充。)

s: 吃月餅,賞月。

t:yes. they usually eat moon cake and watch the moon.

t: did you eat moon cake and watch the moon last mid-autumn festival?

ss: yes,i do.

t: i think you should say:yes,i did.

( dragon boat festival教法同上。)

4. 教學christmas

(1)guessing game

問: what holiday is it ?

(2) 教師讓學生說他們所知道的關于圣誕節的知識,如圣誕老人,圣誕禮物,圣誕食 品及圣誕活動,不限定學生全部用英語表達。

t: christmas is coming. do you know anything about christmas ,e.g. presents and food?

(設計意圖: 用提問的方式引出即將學習的活動,并通過討論讓學生了解有關圣誕節的文化意識。)

(3) 教師用課件創設情景: christmas tree, santa claus, new clothes, stars, give presents to each other, play with friends..

the christmas is coming. please look at these pictures and talk about the following questions.

when’s christmas?

do you like christmas? why?

what do you usually do at christmas?

(4) 學生4人一組看圖片,并根據問題討論圣誕節。

(5) 小組匯報他們討論的情況,并通過投影呈現: 例如christmas is on the 25th of december. we like christmas because it’s interesting. there are many christmas trees and we can see them everywhere. we can also buy new clothes and give presents to each other.


5. the usage of “at” and “on”

t: look at the phrases carefully and find the rule by yourselves.

小組討論 “on” 和“at”的區別

at halloween at spring festival at dragon boat festival

on new year’s day on may day on children’s day

s: we use “on” before “day”。

t:well done!


1.(show two pictures about part c)

t:can you use the sentences on the blackboard to make up dialogues in pairs?

t:when’s spring festival?

s:it’s in january or february.

t: what do people usually do at spring festival?

s:they eat lots of delicious food.

t:did you eat lots of delicious food last spring festival?

s:yes,i did.(picture1 t-s;picture2 s-s)


___________is on ______________.

children usually______________________.

did you ____________last______________?

step5: homework

1. 仿照partc編寫含有以下節日的句型:new year’s day、may day、

national day

2. introduce the foreign festivals to your parents.


unit6 holidays

a: when’s --- ?

b: it’s in ---.

a: what do people usually do at spring festival?

b: they usually---

a: did you --- last spring festival?

b: yes, i did. no, i didn’t.


check ,

e.g picture 1 a: do you play baseball?

b: yes ,i do .

picture 2 a: do you play basketball?

b: no ,i don’t .

a: what do you play?

b: i play volleyball .

look ,read and write .

read the letters after the t.

write the letters .




step3 have a rest .

sing a song: a b c song (只能唱到w,多唱的同學必須表演節目)

step 4 good bye .

the fourth period

teaching contents:

d fun house :workbook .

teaching aims:



teaching steps:

step1 warm up


sing a song: we study and play .

listen and do : let’s fly .let’s ’s read and write .let’s have a drink .

step 2 presentation .

draw and guess :

a .教師在黑板上畫出樂器類和球類物品的簡筆畫,學生猜出相應的單詞。

b. 學生幾人一組,一人畫,其余人猜。

the words four times .

and number .

聽錄音前可以讓學生將圖片看一遍,用句型look ,__can play __練習說話。

a survey .

step 3 do the workbook .

1. listen and judge .


and check .

,find and match .


and draw .

step 4 ending











初一新教材相對于以前的教材詞匯量明顯地增大,大概每個單元100個單詞左右,有些單詞還相當長,而且一些不常見詞的出現率也相當高。同時語法點增多,并提前出現。例如:it takes sb. some time to do sth.以及 sb. spends some time doing sth.(on sth.)這類句型以前要到初三教材中才會出現,而現在初一就出現了。針對這些難度的增加,我們幾個人在一起嘗試著從以下幾個方面做起:


學期開始時先教學48個音標.在教學48 個音標時,突出重點:如五個元音字母在開閉音節中的讀音, r音節及七個輔音字母(c g j n s x y)在單詞中的讀音;分散難點:元音字母組合和輔音字母組合 ,這部分量大,學生難以記住.為此我們要求學生每天記八個,逐步增加.盡量不讓學生產生畏難情緒,盡量讓每個學生都體會到成功的快樂.如果碰到較長的學生難以拼讀的音標拼讀詞,這時我們就教學生拼讀音標詞的方法,先教學生分成幾段來拼讀然后再快速朗讀成詞.教學音標時要求學生眼看,手在空中比畫或在桌面上寫.動用多種感官提高記憶效果.過好語音關, 有助于學生把握單詞的讀音; 有助于學生的終身學習;有助于解決學生對單詞讀音的遺忘現象;有助于學生快速而且長久地記憶單詞.



(1)在教學單詞的過程中,我們覺得如果一味地讓學生死記硬背,學生會產生厭煩情緒,這樣就不利于英語教學,所以教給學生記憶單詞的方法非常重要。俗話說:授之以魚,不如授之以漁。我們覺得“創設情境記憶法”效果較好,所以我們常采用這樣的做法。如:在教學“closed ”這個詞的時候,我們就先請一個學生上來做“開門”這個動作,然后讓另一個學生用open來造句,如:open the door.或 the door is open.這個時候,我們就板書,并用彩筆在is open下面畫線。然后我們再請一個學生做“關門”這個動作,并讓他用英語來描述這個動作,他很可能會說close the door./the door is close. 這時我們就可以順勢引出now the door is closed. 并用彩筆在is closed下面畫線。然后我們就讓學生用所畫的兩個短語自由地編排動作、自由造句。除此以外,我們還采用“詞匯滲透法”。我們在講課時常將后面要出現的與此單詞相同或相近的詞,在教學中滲透下去,而等到以后要講到這個詞的用法時,學生已經有所熟悉,這時再進行復習、歸納,學生的印象自然會更深。當然,我們還采用如下方法,如:“音標拼讀記憶法”、“音標分段記憶法”、“比較法”(比較單詞的異同)、“聯想法” (由同一詞根或意義聯想)。

(2) 通過形式多樣、緊密聯系課文內容的練習題,提高單詞的復現率。我們仔細鉆研教材,自編了一些練習題,如根據中文提示完成單詞拼寫的練習題(放在句子中),或將詞組里的主要單詞劃去,讓學生選詞填空或首字母填空(我們所選的這些練習題一般都較容易),這樣一方面可以鞏固所學單詞,另一方面也培養了學生的語感.這種方法比起孤立的背單詞或抄單詞要有意義得多.而且學生也感興趣得多。俗話說得好,再好的方法,如果長期單一的使用,也會失去其在初期的最好效應。(以上就是我們在幫助學生過好詞匯關當中的一些粗淺的做法。)


(請大家翻開書)新教材一般包括以下幾個方面:comic strip(卡通漫畫)、??? welcome to the unit、reading、vocabulary、grammar、integrated skills、study skills/pronunciation、main task and check out.

就我校的情況,單元的課時安排一般分為兩到兩周半的時間。comic strip and welcome to the unit一課時?? reading約兩課時? vocabulary 一課時? grammar 約兩課時? integrated skills約一課時??? study skills/pronunciation一課時? main task 一課時 check out一課時。

comic strip 主要通過漫畫中的小狗eddie和電子狗hobo之間一段簡潔而有趣的對話,點明本單元的學習內容。教學時我們幾個人主要讓學生聽錄音,模仿跟讀,激發學生學習英語的興趣。此內容往往是學生學習本單元的熱身運動。

reading 即課文教學,我們平時都盡可能創設一定的情境來教學課文。同時要處理好教材中的配套練習,如b.c中的相關內容,b.c部分經常有true or false題等,這時我們經常根據課文內容適當編一些wh-question題幫助學生理解課文,復述課文。

vocabulary 教學主要呈現與話題有關的新詞語并指導學生有效的學習和掌握這些單詞。我們在教學時往往根據所學內容增加一些聯系學生生活實踐的一些同類的相關詞,拓寬學生的知識面。這部分教學內容比較簡單,可以將它與后面的check out 或main task 結合起來進行教學。


integrated skills 主要是復習本單元所學內容,培養學生的聽、說、讀、寫等綜合運用語言的能力。

main task 主要是學生在學完本單元后應掌握的基本內容。在學生掌握這些內容的`基礎上,我們還注重指導學生的英語寫作。

check out 是教學本單元的最低要求。




1、情境教學法。在教學對話、課文時,我們充分利用實物、掛圖、投影儀、多媒體課件等創設英語教學情境,讓學生有一種身臨其境的感覺。為了讓學生在輕松愉快的氛圍中學習英語,讓學生喜歡上英語這門課,在集備時我們認真鉆研教材、研究教法,制作了許多形式多樣、內容豐富、貼近學生生活的多媒體課件。在教學對話時,我們通常采取這樣的方式:把對話里的重點句型提煉出來,進行重新組合,變成簡單的、學生容易接受的對話,這樣的對話使得那些平時懶于張口說英語的學生也變得躍躍欲試,課堂氣氛一下子就變得活躍起來。待他們把這個對話操練熟悉之后,再來學習課文中的對話,他們就會感到得心應手,成功感油然而生,學習英語的興趣自然提高。另外,在教學課文時,我們還充分利用學生自身的資源。如在教學 7a unit1時,我們就讓學生拿出自己的照片或請學生到前面來讓大家進行外貌描寫。如her hair is short/long. she has black in a ponytail. she has black hair in bunches. she wears glasses. she is quite tall and slim.等句型進行操練。再如在教學7a unit6 “my fashion design”一課時,我們先讓學生設計各自喜歡的服裝(從顏色、風格、搭配包括發行的設計等幾個方面進行考慮)。或讓學生上網收集一些自己感興趣的流行服裝的設計。上課時我們請學生將自己設計的流行服裝張貼在黑板上,而后讓學生用英語表達,在表達前讓他們分組討論。這樣學生可以大膽的發揮思維想象,將那些服裝進行重新組合或款式的修改。學生個個都很投入,熱情高漲。這樣的活動極大的調動了學生學習英語的興趣和積極性。為了讓學生輕松地復述對話、課文,我們引導學生將對話或課文改成小品,讓學生進行表演,激發學生學英語的熱情。另外我們還精心設計板書,讓學生結合黑板上的key words和掛圖等而后過度到單獨只看掛圖或實物、教具等復述課文。這兩種方法大大地減少了學生課后讀背課文的負擔,提高了他們的學習興趣。

2、“學以致用法”。即聯系學生生活實際,讓學生學以致用。如在教學7a? unit4? food 一課時,我們讓學生用英語說出自己喜歡的各種食品,如肉類(fish,meat,pork,chicken,beef),蔬菜類(vegetables,cabbages,tomatoes,potatoes,beans,peas and so on),水果類(apples,bananas,pineapples,watermelons and some other kinds),然后組織學生進行對話問答,

“??―what do you love/like/dislike/hate?

―i love/like/dislike/hate …. what about you?

―i love/like/dislike/hate ….”

并討論“what food do we eat if we want to be healthy?”等得出 “healthy food and healthy lifestyle.”


4.針對新教材詞匯量大、固定句型和語法點提前出現的情況,我們將以往單一的everyday english擴充為現在的口頭作文(每周兩至三次),和對關鍵詞、詞組和句型的復習(每周兩次左右)等,這樣極大地提高了學生的口語表達能力。除了平時的口頭作文訓練外,我們也利用期中、期末復習課對作文進行講評,如課前先找幾個層次不同的學生作文抄在黑板上,然后課上大家一起來講評,并根據中考作文評分要求讓他們來評分,有了這樣的評分機制,初一相當一部分同學的作文水平較之開始時提高了許多。有的同學的作文水平甚至遠遠超出了老師的想象。

5.將枯燥乏味的語法教學與學生的現實生活緊密聯系,提高學生的積極性。如,在教學比較級和最高級,當學生對這種語法結構有所了解的時候,我們請學生自己造句或將他們所崇拜的明星人物編進句中,如,姚明比潘長江高。此外,對一些易錯的語法項目,我們編了一些簡單的口訣,便于學生理解和記憶。如一般現在時:主語三單時,肯定加s,否定和疑問,動詞用原形,助動詞用does;又如be動詞口訣:我用am,你用are, is用于他、她、它,所有復數全用are。再如運用現在進行時,學生時常會忘記be或動詞的ing形式,這時我們打比方:be為人的左手,動詞ing為人的右手,兩者缺一不可,否則殘疾。另外,在學習no one和none時,我們將其編成順口溜:1:2,2:1。如回答who is in the classroom? no one(回答無人時). 回答how many students are there in the classroom? there are none(回答無人時).回答how much milk is there in the cup? there is none(回答沒有時).這樣一來,學生的積極性大大提高,他們立馬想到了金龍魚色拉油的廣告用語1:1:1。



初一新教材相對于以前的教材詞匯量明顯地增大,大概每個單元達75-100個左右,有些單詞還相當長。而且語法點增多,例如:it takes sb. some time to do sth.以及 sb. spends some time doing sth.(on sth.)這類句型以前在初三教材中才出現,而現在初一就出現了。針對這一系列難度的增加,我們同濟中學不光利用期中、期末集中復習的時間,還立足于平時,采用“五輪復習法”。

第一輪:立足單詞。在每個版塊的內容學習完畢,根據本課的內容,精選或設計形式多樣的練習,如根據中文提示完成單詞拼寫的練習題(放在句子中), 根據圖片寫單詞,或將詞組里的主要單詞劃去,讓學生選詞填空或首字母填空(我們所選的這些練習題一般都較容易,放在句子中,一般為書上所學內容的變化形式),這樣一方面可以鞏固所學單詞,另一方面也培養了學生的語感.這種方法比起孤立的背單詞或抄單詞要有意義得多.而且學生也感興趣得多。俗話說得好,再好的方法,如果長期單一的使用,也會失去其在初期的最好效應。









4.對寫作的鞏固。每個單元的課文都涉及一個話題,與寫作相配合,學完課文后,要求學生就某一話題,寫一短文,作為開放式的練習,可長可短,一般5-8句話左右,利用“everyday english”時間,抽取部分學生朗讀他們的作文,教師做適當的點評。以訓練學生用自己的話表達自己的觀點。






《義務教育課程標準實驗教科書 牛津小學英語》5b第一單元第一教時(part b and part c)



monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, chinese, science,

computer studies.

2、能正確地理解并應用句型what day is it today ?it’s…

what lessons do you have in the … we have …

3、能用所學單詞、句型問答并初步感知句型welcome back to school. nice to see you.








a. free talk


用“happy new year!’’ “welcome back to school!” “how are you?’’等日常交際用語進行問答,復習并導入新知


復習“i like english .what do you like?’’ “do you like…?’’ “how about you?’’等所學句型,滲透新知

t “science,social science, pe, computer studies’’


例如: i like science. what subject do you like? oh you like art. me,too. how about you/ and you? …


b. presentation and practice


教師自由談話引出,例如:oh, someone likes pe, but someone likes english…today is “monday”(出示自制課表),師重復該單詞,生靜聽、模仿跟讀。延續以上對話,引出:“what lessons do we have today? ”


t “what lessons do we have in the morning?”

引導學生用“we have┅”回答




“tuesday, wednesday…friday”

方法:滲透新句型“what day is it today? it’s…”

例如:what day is it today?

it’s thursday.

為避免單詞教法的重復,在新單詞的引入時還可以用讓學生試讀的方法,單詞的拼讀可通過競賽、游戲等方法以激發學生的興趣。同時也可加入本課所學的句型“what lessons do we have in the morning?” “we have┅”,使對話的情景更為真實,也起到了復習的作用。

c. practice


a:what day is it today?

b: it’s thursday.

a: what lessons do you have in the morning?

b: we have┅

b: what day is it today?

c: it’s friday.


2) 師利用投影進行有意義的操練,圖文結合。


d、assign homework




《義務教育課程標準實驗教科書 牛津小學英語》5b第一單元第二教時(read and say 和part f)



2、能正確地聽、說、讀寫單詞a subject. interesting, a week 和句型what subjects do you like ? i like…

3、能正確地運用對話中的日常交際用語nice to see you. i hape we have more. how about you?










1.play a game: “反口令”游戲

2.free talk.

a: i have a … what do you have?

b:i have a …

a:i like going sopping. what do you like?

c:i like …

a:i often going shopping on sundays. is it sunday today?

ss:no,it isn’t. it’s monday.


a: what day is it ?

b: it’s …

4. sing a song 生初步感知、熟悉歌詞及旋律。


1.教學句型“what subjects do you like?” “i like…”

(由對話自然引出)t: we are having an engilsh lesson. do you like english?

ss: yes, …/no, …(師幫助學生回答)

t: what subjects do you like?(生跟讀,出示板書)

s1:i like …(師作提示)

2.teach: how about you?

師指明一名學生:how about you? 生自然地理解并作答,師可稍作提示“i like…”






1).教師可由以上的對話what subjects do you like? do you like pe?生回答yes, i do.師可引入yes, it’s interesting.


2).say a rhyme

根據不同的學生不同的愛好這一特點,由生描述i like …,it’s interesting .一方面訓練 interesting,同時也復習前面所學各種科目的單詞。師總結出rhyme.

english, english, a, b, c.

maths, maths, one, two, three.

chinese, chinese, write and read.

art, art, draw and sing.

pe, pe, run and swim.

c.listen, read and say.

1.present “i hope we have more ” “a week”

(師述引出)i like pe, do you like pe? who like pe, please hands up. but we have only two in a week. i hope we have more.

單詞week讓學生多聽幾遍,讀音可與 “need”比較讀。也可提問:how many days are there in a week? 檢查學生理解程度。在引入i hope we have more 后可改動課表, 如增加二節課,幫助學生理解。單詞和句型的讀應放在聽清發音之后。

2.listen and answer


1).what day is it today?

2).what lessons do they have in the morning?


what do su hai and su yang like? su hai likes and su yang likes .

the text by yourselves then together.

4.read in roles

d. practice

1.look ask and answer

2.do a survey






《義務教育課程標準實驗教科書 牛津小學英語》5b第一單元第三教時(part d, e, f and part g, h)














a: sing a song

to the tape


2.sing after the tape

b: free talk and revision

t:good morning, class. nice to see you.

ss: nice to see you.

t: i like running on sunday morning. do you like running?

s1:yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

t: he likes pe, so he likes running.

what subject do you like?

s2: i like science.

t: how many science lessons do you have in a week?

s2: we have two. i hope we have more.

t: excuse me .do you have science today?

what day is it today?

ss: it’s friday.

t: what lesson do you have in the afternoon?



4.利用掛圖,操練句型 “what subject do you like ?”

i like … how about you?

i like …


c: look and read.


2.學習單詞“trick” “minus”, 生猜其意并試讀。



例如:i like maths very much. it’s┅

what’s 654 minus 456?

it’s ┅

d: design a timetable


how many subject do you have this morning?

we have ┅

how many chinese lessons do you have in a week?

we have ┅

what subject do you like?

i like┅

what lesson do you have on wednesday?

we have┅

2. make a new dialogue in pairs.

3. action.

4. design a timetable you like.




s1: today is ┅

the first lesson is┅

t: do you have any questions to ask?

s2:what subject do you like?

s1:i like ┅

s3:do you ┅

e: listen and repeat.



after the tape.

4.歸納出clock, coffee, doctor,hot的共同音標,后出示圖,師生共同看圖說話:the hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor.

f. homework


2.能熟讀并會表演read and act .




oxford english 7a牛津英語7a教案交流

oxford english 7a, module 3 unit 3 ( page 53 of sea water and rain water)

teaching design

teaching aims:

1. to develop the students’ abilities of listening, reading, writing and


2. to further understand the importance of saving water and arouse their

awareness of saving water

language focus:

1. asking “how” questions to find out means

2. using connectives to express conditions

3. further understanding of the importance of saving water


1. student’s book 7a

2. a computer

3. forms copied for each student

4. several pieces of paper for making posters

teaching procedure:

pre-task preparation:

1. review an english poem: water

2. a dialogue about the knowledge of water given by the students on duty.

raise questions and answer these questions about it . ( students vs.

students activity)


3. review the usage of the water

ask students to name as much ways of using water as they can.

have a group competition.


4. ask the students to think about the following question, “what will

happen if there is no water?” show a set of pictures of water shortage and

ask them to identify them. encourage them to say more .

( 在此,提出了一個假設,請同學們設想一下沒有水的生活。從另一個層面肯定水的重要性,并引出課文。)

while-task procedure:

introduce the new dialogue:

1. students watch the slides and listen to the recording, “think and say”


2. ask them to answer the questions they have heard from the tape.

3. students listen again and repeat.

4. students read the dialogue with their partners.


5. show more pictures of saving water and ask the students to use the

sentences they’ve learned to talk about them.

----how can we save water?

----we can save water by (not)…

students do pair work.


6. students look at the picture of a house in which people are using water

in different ways and listen to the tape . then ask them to identify which

actions are wrong and give their reasons.



post-task activities:

1. spanide the class into groups of four. students make some short plays

about saving water.

several groups to act at the front and ask students to give

conclusions after each performance.



bute a form to each student , “how can we save water?” ask

students to finish them. invite a

more able student to come to the front to complete it .


4. distribute a piece of paper to each group of four and ask them to

design posters.

5. invite the students to introduce their posters at the front and put

their posters on the blackboard .



ask each student to do a survey among his to find out how

they use water every day and what they can do to save water and write a

report .



(區教研所 張 紅)

oxford english 7a, module 3 unit 4 ( forests and land )teaching design

teaching aims:

1. to develop the students’ abilities of listening, reading, writing and


2. to further understand the importance of protecting the forests and

arouse their awareness of protecting the forests

language focus:

1. using adjectives to describe objects

2. using “wh-” questions to find out specific information about an object

teaching procedure:

pre-task preparation:

1. review the words and “look and read” on page 56.

2. introduce new words.

while-task procedure:

1. organize a game .

2. let the students watch a video.

3. play the recording : play a game . students listen and follow in their


4. tell them to compare things which are made of different materials to

elicit: prefer .

post-task activities:

1. students make short dialogues.

2. conduct an activity: the best salesman.

3. ask students to discuss how to protect the environment .


complete the report .

oxford english 7a,module 4 unit 1 ( visiting relatives )

teaching design

teaching aims:

in this lesson,train students’ capability of research-orientated

learning,cooperative learning and independent learning.

teaching focus:

1. asking “how” questions to find out the length of a period of time

2. asking “how” questions to find out price

3. learning how to describe places

4. learning how to get information and compare it

teaching materials:

1. student’s book 7a

2. a computer

teaching procedure:


t a short play between mr. li and kitty. then ask the questions.

t: “why hasn’t mr. li decided?”

s: “maybe he wants to know the price and the length of time.”

(aim: present the ts find mr. li hasn’t decided whether

to go to according to their experience of traveling , they

can use the structures “how long does it take…”and“how much does it cost?”

to ask for the length of a period of time and price.)

2. have a competition

they ask and answer the questions . the one gets the nearest answer, his

or her group will win.

(aim: to consolidate the structures by guessing the price and time . )

3. learn the text

(1)talk about how to get information.

s : “from books,magazines,newspapers,other people,computers etc.”

(2) let students read the first part of the text after the tape.

(3) let students make dialogues to complete the second part of the text .

( aim: to practise the capability of cooperation. )

ii. while-task

1. have students talk about the scenes in beijing by using the key words.

( aim: to learn how to describe places and to pave for further exercise .


2. have students introduce some new travel routes .

they should search for information before class by one

acts as an agent, others

ask for information about traveling .

( aim: first it can practise the capability of independent learning and

research oriented learning. second by asking and answering,students

consolidate their knowledge and spread the limits of knowledge. it also

trains their capability of cooperation learning. )

iii. post-task

1. have a discussion.

and tell “ where would you like to visit and why ?”

(aim: to compare information and make conclusions.)

2. let students design holiday plans.

(aim: to practise the capability of writing.)

a holiday plan i will go to ______by ________ . it costs me _______ yuan .

i will set off on _______ and come back on________ .(date) i will visit

______,_______,…. and ________ .

3. express their feeling after traveling.

t: “ there’re many beautiful places in our country. after traveling,what

do you think of our motherland?”

s: “it’s beautiful/wonderful/’s becoming more and more

modern/stronger .”

(aim: to arouse students’ feeling of loving motherland.)

4. make a conclusion of this lesson.

functions: how to get information,how to compare it,how to describe


iv. homework

design a tourist guide for foreigners.

(aim: to use knowledge comprehensively. to practise the capability of

independent learning and research-oriental learning .)

(區教研所 張 紅)

oxford english 7a, module 4 unit 2 (our animal friends)

teaching plan

language focus:

1. learn new word & expressions

2. text-learning

3. using the simple present tense to express preferences


students’ book 7a page 67

a cassette player, a slide projector

different kinds of things

teaching procedure:


let’s sing a song to relax.


ts’ report

today our topic is “our animal friends”.

first, let’s watch a short play by students .

iv. presentation

thank you.

in their short play , we know animals are very lovely. they are our good

friends. so i think most of people like animals, especially you, children

. do you have good animal friends? you bring them here . would you please

show us your animal friends? please take out and try to introduce your

pets. like this:

1. do you have a pet at home?

2. what’s it?

3. what’s his/her name?

4. what colour is he/she?

5. how/where did you get him/her?

now discuss with your deskmates, i’ll ask some of you to try o.k.?

(then ask 6 students to introduce.)

all of your pets are nice. but i prefer puppies.

to s1: which animal do you like ?

s1: i like…

oh, he/ she prefers… and how about you ? ( to s2 )

s2: i like/ prefer…

oh, he prefers… now look at this expression:

----which one do you like ?

---- i prefer…

read after me. ( practise )

---- which food do you like?

---- which fruit do you like ?

---- which city do you like ?

practise this expression in pairs.

now,do you know which pet kitty and ben prefer. let’s learn sam’s story.

look at some new words first. ( show a brochure.)

this is a travel brochure/ a computer brochure. we can also say a travel

booklet. ( show slide )

read after me .( show a picture.)

who is he ? he’s an inspector. a person whose job is to exam or check


(show word: inspector. read) / ( show another picture. )

what can you see in the picture? it’s a home for dogs. it’ s a kennel. (

show word: )

i’ll tell you sam is at the spca kennels. what is spca.

( show slide: spca: society for the prevention of cruelty to animals.)

read after me. it means an organization which protects animals from danger


let’s read all new words.

v. text-learning

then let’s come to our text. first, listen to the text, don’t look at your

books. then try to answer some questions about the text . so listen


(1) is dog’s name simon?

(2) did ben and kitty first meet sam in the pet shop?

(3) does kitty prefer the black and white one best ?

(4) do they want the light brown one ?

(5) what’s the dog’s name ?

(6) where did they first meet sam ?

(7) which pet does ben prefer?

(8) which one do they choose finally?

(9) what must ben and kitty do if sam is sick?

all right. open your books to page 67. read after the tape sentence by

sentence. pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.

then you practise the text by groups in roles. try to imitate as possible

as you can.

vi. consolidation

from the text , we know kitty and ben love sam very much. they take good

care of him. they are so kind to animals. but nowadays, a lot of people

are cruel to animals. a large number of animals are killed by people. even

some rare animals have disappeared from the earth. it is a sad story. so

we must protect animals and protect environment .

do you agree ? ( yes. )

according to this situation. i ask you to discuss in groups and give us

your stories about this topic.

please prepare for a while. i’ll play the music. the music stops, you


vii. summary and assignment

in this class, we learn sam’s story and we know animals are our good

friends. we should be kind to them. we also learn some new words and


today’s homework:

1. copy the new words. 2. recite the text. 3. complete the report on page

67 .

comments after class

english is a useful language. it’s a useful tool. we would like our

students to use this language flexibly rather than only remembering some


according to this aim,in this lesson, my design is firstly moving from old

knowledge to new knowledge,from previous lesson to the next one.

my topic is “our animal friends”, and children like animals. so at the

beginning of the lesson, i invite students to introduce their favourite

animals. they could take their pets to the class and they showed great

interest. next i transferred to the sentence pattern:

“ which one do you like?”

“ i prefer….”

by asking “ which animals do you like?”

i let students use all kinds of things they have learned to practise this

sentence pattern.

then i came to the text-learning. i taught them new words by showing them

pictures. after that, i asked students to listen and understand the

general meaning of the text, read and imitate the pronunciation and

intonation of the tape of the text .

at last, i have the students imagine different kinds of stories, concerned

the situation nowadays that a lot of rare animals have been destroyed by

some unkind people. let the students know we should protect animals and

natural environment .

all above is my outline of the whole class. i think students can learn

something not only inside class but also outside class. maybe i should

continue to improve the situational teaching method .

(區教研所 張 紅)

oxford english 7a, module 5 unit 2 (choosing a new flat)

(the second period)

teaching design

language focus:

1. asking “wh-”questions to find out various kinds of specific information

about a person

2. using prepositions to indicate positon and place

3. asking “wh-”questions to find out place


1. student’s book 7a page 84

2. brochures of different estate agencies

3. a computer and a projector

4. multimedia programmes

teaching procedure:

pre-task preparation

1. sing an english song

2. role-play the dialogue on page 83

3. ask and answer based on the play

4. retell the play

5. introduce their own living condition

while-task procedure

1. listen to look and read once

2. practise the patterns: what kind of flat would you like ? where would

you like to live?

3. listen and repeat the dialogue

4. read the dialogue

5. have a discussion

6. make a dialogue

post-task activity

sell new flats as estate agents


display the floor plans on the display board . have a discussion to find

the best one, which matches the teacher’s requirements.


oxford english 7a, module 5 unit 2 (choosing a new flat)


我今天所選的課題是牛津教材 7a module 5 unit 2 ( choosing a new flat


整個課時分三個部分:pre-task preparation,while-task procedure和post-task activity


在第二部分中,我先請學生聽一段對話,讓他們了解選房應先與房產經紀人交談,同時也學習在選房時應考慮到哪幾個方面。在提出新句型“what kind of

flat would you like?where would you like to



整個設計分縱、橫兩個方面。縱向有一條主線,即: 提出住房困難---想象理想中的新房---






第一課時 review unit 1-2

教學目標:1 掌握四會單詞

2 根據日常交際用語能自由會話

3 能認真書寫26個英語字母。注意書寫筆畫


教學難點:1 解決學生怕開口,膽小的心理問題

2 結合生活實際,能將所學的交際用語靈活運用,不拘泥于課本。

教學方法:1 盡量讓學生多說。

2 鼓勵與表揚相結合

3 以小組競賽的形式調動學生的學習興趣。

教學器具:錄音機 掛圖


一、have a talk with the students

hi, millie

hi , jack

good morning /afternoon / evening / night


how are you ?

fine , thank you . and you ?

i am fine , too .

what’s your name ?

i’m /my name is ……

you’re …, right ?

yes, i’m …/no , i’m….

this is …

she is /he is …..

what is it ?

it’s a …

what’s he /she/his father ?

he /she/ is …..(a teacher a doctor a nurse a policeman )

二、task-based teaching

1 ask four students to act the members of a family .

2 introduce yourself or your members of your family to your classmates and friends .

3 arrange four groups to come to the front and act , we can give them a mark ,the winner will be able to get a prize .

4 check the students if they have mastered the usage of the expressions .

三、write the 26 english letters and pay attention to the handwriting .


1 assign the homework (see the paper )

the full name of the abbreviations in the book p11 and p15

3. recite the words and phrases .

第二課時 review unit 3-4



3.掌握人稱代詞與be 動詞的搭配以及there be 句型

4.能運用所學numbers 表達物體的數目。







1. write the new words and phrases of unit 1-2 .

2. have a free talk according to the expressions of unit 3-4

a:this is my ……(uncle ,aunt , brother ,…..)

b:he’s …(big,strong ,small ,thin , tall ,slim .short , pretty …..)

a:are you ……?/is he …….?/am i ……

b: yes , you are …../he is ….

a: i have two friends .

b: he is from china /england / japan/america ….

he is chinese /english/japanese /american

a: open /close the door/book/window / pencilbox

b: don’t open/close the book / door /pencilbox …

a: stand up, please .

b: sit down , please .

3. explain the grammar

1) 人稱代詞與be動詞的搭配

i am ….

you are ….

he/she /it is …..

they are ……

2) numbers (1-30)

3) there be 句型

eg there is a teacher in our classroom

there is a teacher’s desk in our classroom

there are four windows in the wall .

there are some pictures on the wall.

there are 28 boys in our class .


1) read unit 3 and unit 4 and be ready for the dictation .

2) exercise paper .




題 1. know how to go shopping.

2. introduce a shopping mall.

3. use vocabulary to talk about stationery and other things

匯 1.有關文具和日常用品的詞匯

cd comic books computer game football stickers hair clips teddy bear

walkman tennis racket t-shirts


a book shop a clothes shop an electrical shop a shoe shop a sports shop

a supermarket a fast food restaurant a shopping mall


cost expensive dear cheap discount buy sell shopping bag

焦 1. “there be” structure

2. the present continuous tense

3. personal pronouns

線 和購物對話相關的句式,如:

how much do the cards cost? they’re ¥6.

hello, can i help you? what are you looking for?

what size are your feet? i’m a size eight.

could i try them on, please? yes, of course.

養 1.聽 能掌握購物對話的大意并獲取其中的細節內容。

2.說 運用所學內容,進行購物對話并描述一座大型購物中心。

3.讀 通過閱讀購物對話獲取細節內容,并能在語境中猜測詞義。

4.寫 介紹一座大型購物中心。

lesson one happy birthday


before reading, think about the following questions.

1. what does amy want to buy?

2. how much do the new cards and the stickers cost?

3. what does the shopkeeper ask amy to buy for her friend?

4. what does amy buy for her friend at last?

5. what do you often buy for your friend on his( her ) birthday?


1. i’m not free today. 我今天不空。

【要點詳解】be free 表示“有空”。

e.g.① are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空嗎?

② jack isn’t free at the moment. jack此刻沒有空。

2. i want you to go shopping with me today. 我想要你今天和我一起去購物。

【要點詳解1】 want somebody to do something 是“想要某人干某事”。

e.g.① my mother wants me to be a doctor in the future. 媽媽想讓我將來做個醫生。

② when do you want to visit beijing? 你想什么時候去北京?

【問題探究】 還有一些類似的動詞不等式結構,你們知道是什么嗎?對,tell somebody to do something; ask somebody to do something; help somebody ( to ) do something等。

e.g.① what does your mother often ask you to do at home? 你媽媽經常在家要你干什么?

② he never helps me do my homework. 他從不幫助我做作業。

【要點詳解2】 go shopping 去購物。

e.g. my mother likes going shopping a lot. 我媽媽很喜歡購物。

【問題探究】 還有一些類似的表達方法,比如:go boating go swimming

go hiking等,你們想起來了嗎?

e.g. ① do you often go swimming in summer? 夏季你經常去游泳嗎?

② ―let’s go hiking tomorrow, ok? ―no problem. 我們明天去徒步旅行,好嗎?沒問題。

3. how much do the cards cost? 那些卡多少錢?

【要點詳解】 cost 表示“值多少錢”,它的用法是something cost somebody money.

e.g. these books cost me $20. 這些書花費了我20美元。

【問題探究】 你們知道表示“花費錢”的其它的表達方法嗎?對,somebody pay money for something; somebody spend money on something / (in) doing something.

e.g. ① amy spends about 300 yuan on the new coat. amy在那件新衣服上花了300元。

② how much do you pay for the cd? 你花了多少錢買cd?

【知識拓展】 此外,還有花費“時間”的表達方法,你們知道嗎?對,it takes somebody sometime to do something; somebody spend time on / (in) doing something.

e.g.① how long does it take you to go to school by bike every day? 你每天花多少時間騎車去上學?

② he spends about half an hour finish the work. 他花了約半個小時完成了拿項工作。

4. i prefer to buy new cards. 我更喜歡買新的卡。

【要點詳解】prefer to do something 表示“更喜歡做某事”。

e.g. jim prefers to go there by train. jim更喜歡乘火車去那里。

【知識拓展】 prefer的用法大體有兩種,一種是prefer …to …意思是“喜歡…勝過…”另一種是prefer to do …than to do…意思是“喜歡干…勝過干…”同學們你們掌握它的用法了嗎?讓我們來看一下例句吧。

e.g. ① i prefer apples to bananas. 我喜歡蘋果勝過香蕉。

② they prefer to play football than to swim. 他們喜歡踢足球勝過游泳。

5. what are you looking for? 你正在尋找什么?

【要點詳解】 look for 意思是“尋找”。

e.g. the old man always looks for his glasses. 那個老人總是找他的眼鏡。

【問題探究】 同學們,你們知道look for 和find 的區別嗎?對,look for 表示“尋找”,find表示“找到”。

e.g. i look for my key everywhere, but i can’t find it anywhere. 我到處找我的鑰匙,但我哪里也找不到。

6. i’d also like to buy a cd for her. 我也想給她買個cd。

【要點詳解】 buy something for somebody 給某人買某物。此外還可以說buy somebody something。

e.g. ① she often buys some presents for her mother on her birthday. 她經常在她媽媽生日時給她買一些禮物。

② since your son likes reading, why not buy him a book? 既然你兒子喜歡讀書,為什么不給他買一本書呢?

7. they match her favourite t-shirt. 他們和她最喜歡的體恤衫很相配。

【要點詳解】match 表示“和…相配”。它的近義詞是go well with。

e.g. ① her shoes match her trousers well. 她的鞋子和她的褲子很相配。

② which shirt goes with the blue hat? 什么襯衫和那藍帽子相配呢?

【知識拓展】match 還有其它的含義,你們知道嗎?對,它可做名詞,表示“比賽”等含義。如:

there will be a football match between class five and class six tomorrow. 明天將有一場四班和五班的足球賽。

7.never mind! 沒關系。

【要點詳解】never mind表示“沒關系”是回答i’m sorry的答句。

e.g. ―i’m sorry i’m late.―對不起,我遲到了。

―never mind. come earlier next time.―沒關系,下一次早點來。


it doesn’t matter; that’s ok.

【知識拓展】同學們,想一下該如何回答thank you呢?對,我們說:

you’re welcome; it’s my pleasure; that’s all right.



2. d 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. c


1. c 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a


購物用語 動詞用法

can i help you?

what are you looking for?

--how much do the cards cost?

--they’re ¥6.

--they cost ¥6.

that’s quite expensive.

what size are your feet?

--i’m a size eight.

could i try them on, please? --yes, of course.

1.look for / find

sth. for sb.

=buy sb. sth

like to do

to do sth.

sb. (to) do sth.




1.--whose cd player is this?

--it’s mine. it _______ me 500 yuan.

a. took b. spent c. paid d. cost

2.--what are you _______?

--i can’t ______my english book.

a. looking for, look for b. finding, look for

c. looking for, find d. look for, finding

’s a discount_____ these old storybooks. they are only 3 yuan.

a. on b. in c. for d. of

mother ________ a lot of money on clothes every year.

a. pays b costs c. takes d. spends

ow is simon’s birthday. i’d like ______a present_______ him.

a. buy, for b. to buy, for c. buy, to d. to buy, to


much are these cds?(改成同義句)

how much _______these cds__________?

7.i’d like some hair clips.(就劃線部分提問)

_______ _________you__________?

8.i only have 10 yuan. i can’t buy these football stickers.(連成一句)

i don’t have_______ ________ ______buy these football stickers.

mother bought me a new skirt last sunday. (改成同義句)

my mother bought a new skirt ________ _______ last sunday.


10.-good morning, may i speak to mr. smith please?

--ok, please wait a_____________(片刻).

computer is 6,000 yuan. i think it’s too ________________(昂貴的) for me to buy.

season do you__________(更喜歡), spring or summer?

new hairstyle _______________(與…相配) her coat.

little girl is very ______________(漂亮的).








20.對不起,我忘了把你的隨身聽帶來了。 --沒關系。

ii. 讀一讀,選一選:


tom wanted to buy some new clothes, so he went to a shop. first he asked for some trousers and put them on, but then he took tem off and gave them back to the shopkeeper and said, “no, give me a coat instead of these. ”the man gave him a coat and said,“this one costs the same as the trousers.”tom took the coat and walked out of the shop with it. the shopkeeper ran after him and said,“you have not paid for the coat!”“but i gave you the trousers for the coat.”said tom,“they cost the same as the coat, didn’t they?”

“yes!”said the shopkeeper,“but you didn’t pay for the trousers, either.” “of course i didn’t!”answered tom.“i didn’t take them. i am not foolish! nobody gives things back and then pays for them!”

the shop tom tried on _____at first.

a. new clothes b. some trousers

c. a coat d. some trousers and a coat

shopkeeper said the trousers cost______.

a. as much as the coat b. more than a coat

c. less than a coat d. not more than a coat

went out of the shop_____.

a. without the coat b. with the trousers

c. wearing the coat d. holding the coat

tom pay for the coat at all?

a. yes. b. no.

c. of course, he did. d. no. but he would pay later.

we do as tom did when we buy things?

a. yes. b. perhaps we can have a try.

c. never. d. yes, if you have no money.


time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. if you go to a __26__ shop, no assistant will come near to you and said, “can i help you? ”you __27__buy anything you don’t want. you may try to find out __28__the book you want is. but if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. it seems that he is __29__ selling any book at all.

there is a story which tells us about a good shop. a medical(醫學的) student __30__a very useful book in the shop, __31__ it was too expensive for him to buy. he couldn’t get it from the library, either. so every afternoon, he went there to read __32__ at a time. one day, however, he could not find __33__ from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing(示意) to him. to his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book __34__, “i put it there so as not to be sold out,” said the assistant. then he __35__ the student and let the student go on with his reading.

if you spend time in such a bookshop, aren’t you really enjoying yourself?

26.a. good b. bad c. cheap d. expensive

27.a. shouldn’t b. needn’t c. mustn’t d. can’t

28.a. what b. which c. where d. when

29.a. surprised at b. not surprised at c. interesting in d. not interested in

30.a. bought b. found c. read d. took

31.a. but b. and c. so d. or

32.a. little b. a little c. few d. a few

33.a. the book b. the shop c. the assistant d. the shopkeeper

34.a. on the floor b. in another man’s hand

c. in a corner d. in his own pocket

35.a. left b. let c. helped d. taught


1. d 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. b

6. do…cost would like

money to 9. for me


much is this english dictionary?

how much does this english dictionary cost?

boys like playing computer games.

17.i prefer to stay at home to watch tv.

1se are amy’s favourite hair clips.

19.i am on the same football team as he.

20.i’m sorry i forgot to bring your walkman.

--never mind. / it doesn’t matter.

21. b 22.a 23.d 24. b

25. c 問題是:“購物時,我們能和湯姆一樣嗎?”文中湯姆耍小聰明,想賴帳,不付錢。


27.b。needn’t表示“沒必要”而shouldn’t表示“不應該”; mustn’t表示“禁止、不允許”;can’t表示“不可能”,均與句意不符。

28.c。從下文“…will lead you there and …”中的信息詞there可以判斷應該選where。

29.d。從第一段該句句意應理解為:似乎工作人員對售書不感興趣。be interested in表示“對…感興趣”。


31.a。從前句的信息詞very useful與后句的信息詞來判斷該句前后存在轉折關系。

32.b。用a little來修飾動詞read,表示“讀一點”。little與句意不符;few與a few只能用來修飾名詞。

33.a。從上文“他一次去讀一點”這個事實來判斷:他理應是尋找那本書。故答案應選用the book。

34.c。從下句可以判斷:工作人員將書放在了一個不易被發現的地方,以便不被賣掉。故推測應選in a corner。


lesson 2 going shopping


1. there be結構

【要點詳解】there be結構表示“存在,有”的意思。比如:

there is a table in the room. 房間里有一張桌子。

are there any boys in the classroom? 教室里有男孩嗎?

【問題探究】表示“有”的意思,還有另一種表達方法,同學們你們知道嗎?是的,我們可以用“have”。它和there be有何區別呢?一般說來,there be表示“某地有某物”,而have表示“某人有某樣東西”。兩者之間沒有非常嚴格的分界線,且在現代英語中有時把兩者混同使用。比如:

how many floors are there in this building? 這幢樓有多少層?它也可表達為:

how many floors does this building have?

【知識拓展1】there be 結構中be動詞的用法遵循“就近原則”,也就是說當緊跟著there be后的表語是單數名詞或不可數名詞,則be動詞用單數,而當緊跟著there be后的表語為名詞復數,則be動詞為復數。比如:

there are some boys and a teacher in the classroom. 有一些男孩和一個老師在教室里。

is there a teacher and three girls in the classroom? 教室里是否有一個教師和三個女孩?

【知識拓展2】there be結構還有一種形式是there be somebody/ something doing。表示“有某物或某人正在干什么”,比如:

there is a boy playing football on the playground. 有一個男孩正在操場上踢足球。

are there any woman talking over there? 是否有一些婦女正在那里交談?

2. present continuous tense 現在進行時

【要點詳解】現在進行時表示現在或當前階段正在發生的動作。它的結構是be ( is / am / are ) doing的形式,其中be動詞是助動詞。比如:

i’m doing my homework now. 此刻我正在做回家作業。

look, what is kitty doing? 看,kitty正在干什么?


構成 舉例

大部分動詞 直接加ing do-doing help-helping

以不發音的e結尾的動詞 去e加ing come-coming have-having

以ie結尾的動詞 變ie為y直接加ing lie-lying die-dying

重讀閉音節,且此閉音節只有一個元音字母并以一個輔音字母結尾 雙寫最后一個輔音字母,再加ing run-running get-getting


【問題探究2】現在進行時的常用時間狀語有:now all the time right now

at eight o’clock(在某一個具體的時間)

【知識拓展】同學們你們知道嗎?針對一些表示位置移動的動詞,我們也可用現在進行時表示將來。比如:leave come go arrive等。請看例句。

① he is arriving come this evening. 今天晚上他將回家。

② when are you coming to see me? 你將在什么時候來看我?

3. personal pronouns ( object form ) 人稱代詞(賓格)


① the book is very cheap and i want to buy it. 這本書很便宜,我想買它。

② the boy is ill so her mother takes him to see the doctor. 這個男孩病了,他媽媽帶他去看醫生。


主格 i you he she it we you they

賓格 me you him her it us you them

形容詞性物主代詞 my your his her its our your their

名詞性物主代詞 mine yours his hers its ours your theirs

反身代詞 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

4. my cousin is visiting me. 我表弟來看我。


① my father often visits beijing in summer. 我爸爸經常在夏季去北京。

② what place do you like to visit? 你想去哪里玩?

【知識拓展】visit可做動詞,也可做名詞。詞組有go on a visit to,比如:

he always goes on a visit to shanghai. 他總是去上海玩。


there are a lot of visitors to suzhou every year. 每年都有很多旅游者到蘇州來玩。

5. i am waiting for my turn. 我正在等輪到我的時候。

【要點詳解】wait for something / somebody 等待某人或某物, 比如:

① there is a boy waiting for over there. 有個男孩在那里等你。

② who is waiting for me outside the school? 誰在校外等我?

6. i do not have enough money to buy it. 我沒有足夠的錢買它。


are there enough children in the classroom? 教師里有足夠的男孩嗎?

【知識拓展】enough 還可做副詞,放在形容詞和副詞前面,表示“足夠地”,比如:

the boy is old enough to go to school. 那個男孩年齡足夠大了,可以上學了。


p75 a 1. electrical shop 2. bookshop 3. clothes shop 4. supermarket 5. sports shop 6. shoe shop

b a. vegetables 4 b. comic book 2 c. walkman 1 d. shoes 6 e. tennis racket 5 f. t-shirt 3

p76 a 1. there is 2. there are 3. there are 4. there is 5. there are 6. there is 7. there are

p77 b1 1. is looking 2. are eating 3. is paying 4. is playing 5. am carrying 6. are having

work out we use ‘are’+ ‘-ing’ with the pronouns __you__, __we__ and __they__.

we use ‘is’+ ‘-ing’ with the pronouns __he__, __she__ and __it__.

p78 b2 2. is visiting 3. is doing 4. is playing 5. are playing 6. am waiting

p79 c 2. us 3. her 4. it 5. me 6. you


你能把下列動詞變成ing 形式嗎?試試吧:

動詞 ing 形式

help, eat

take, make,

lie, tie, die

run, begin, put


主格 i you he she it we you they

賓格 me him her it you them

形容詞性物主代詞 my your her our your their

名詞性物主代詞 yours his its ours your

反身代詞 myself yourself herself itself ourselves themselves



i. 精心選一選:

用is, are, isn’t, aren’t填空

________some orange juice in the bottle.

_______a photo, two maps and a clock on the wall of my room.

_________ any money in my purse.

4._______ there any sheep on the hill now?-no, there______ .

many people _______there in your family?

_______some time left. let’s do our homework now.


a) 用所給動詞的進行時完成下列各句

7. she ___________(wear) a new pair of shoes today.

8. the boy ___________(lie) on the grass and looking at the blue sky.

children______________(fly) kites in the park.

! kitty and sandy________________(eat) ice cream.

________________(have) an english class now.

12.________they_______________(wait) for the bus?

b) 用適當的代詞填空:

13. sandy and i are good friends. _____________often play together.

14. where is my pencil-box? i can’t find ___________.

15. john is my pen friend. i often write to _________.

is ann? miss gao wants to talk to ___________.

’t worry, millie. i’ll help_____________.

brother got a cd from his friend as a birthday present, but ________didn’t like______ at all.

comic books are really interesting. may ________ read____________?

and mary are new students here. ________come from america.


toy shop, stationery shop, sports shop, supermarket, electrical shop, clothes shop, bookshop

21 pens, pencils, writing paper, notebooks

22 books, storybooks, comic books, magazines

23 toy trains, planes for children

24 jeans, dresses, sweaters, skirts, t-shirts, shoes

25 vegetables, fruit, meat

26 sneakers, basketballs, tennis rackets

27 walkmans, radios, tape recorders



can’t see many of the stars in the sky because ________ are too far away.

a. they b. them c. their d. theirs

you very much for helping _______ with our english.

a. sandy and i b. i and sandy c. sandy and my d. sandy and me

gao teaches ______ math. we like _____ classes very much.

a. we, she b. us, her c. our, her d. ours, hers

! the young pioneer ______an old man _________the street.

a. is helping, cross b. helps, cross c. helps, across d. is helping, across

football socks are ours. those are ____. please put____ away.

a. ours, them b. yours, them c. yours, it d. our, it

father is ___tv and my mother is ______a book.

a. seeing, watching b. looking, reading c. looking at, seeing d. watching, reading

’s four o’clock now. some of the girls ____ the classroom.

a. is cleaning b. clean c. cleans d. are cleaning

i _____your ticket?

--ok. here it is.

a. have a look b. have look c. have a look at d. have look at

are the students of class 3?


a. are playing football over there b. are young pioneers

c. are all chinese d. come from china

____some bottles of milk in that box.

a. be b. is c. are d. have












this is a picture of a park. you can see many trees and flowers near a small river. there are some birds singing in the trees. there is a hill behind the river.

there are many people in the park. some old men are drinking tea and talking under a big tree. two young women are sitting near them. they are reading newspapers. some boys are flying kites. the girls are looking at the boats in the river. they are all very happy.

’s near the small river?

are the birds doing?

are the old men and what are they doing?

4 many women are sitting under the tree?

the women drinking tea? what are they doing?

are the boys and girls doing?


n’t , aren’t

wearing lying

flying eating having , waiting

,it 19. i, them

naery shop op shop

s shop arket shop ical shop

28.a 29.d 30.b 31.a

32.b 33.d 34.d 35.c

36.a 37.c

your father watching tv? no, he’s reading a book.

many fish are there in the river?-sorry, i don’t know.

are drawing, they are taking photos.

are the boys doing? they are playing volleyball on the playground.

these your trousers? –no, they’re my brother’s.

4 are many trees and flowers near the small river.

4y are singing.

are under a big tree. they are drinking tea and talking.

women are sitting under the tree.

, they aren’t. they are reading newspapers.

4 boys are flying kites and the girls are looking at the boats in the river.

lesson 3 spending your pocket money


1. we saw an advertisement in the newspaper. 我們在報紙上看到一條廣告。

【要點詳解】in the newspaper 在報紙上 一般說來,“在…上面”在這里我們用介詞in,而不是on。請看例句。

① is there any interesting news in the newspaper? 在報紙上有沒有有趣的新聞?

② what’s in the newspaper? 在報紙上有什么消息?

2. we would like to help the children in poor areas in our country. 我們想要幫助我國貧窮地區的孩子們。

【要點詳解】would like to do something 想要干某事。它的否定形式是would like not to do。比如:

① what would you like to eat, mr. wang? 你想要吃點什么呢,王先生?

② he would like not to have something to drink. 他不想要喝點東西。


will / would / could you please ( not ) do something 你(不)做某事好嗎?

had better ( not ) do 最好(不)做某事;

why not / why don’t you do 為什么不做某事呢?

what / how about ( not ) doing something (不)做某事怎么樣?

let’s ( not ) do something 讓我們(不)做某事吧

shall we ( not ) do something 我們(不)做某事好嗎?

① would you please not open the window? 你能不開窗嗎?

② you’d better come there by bus because it’s far from here. 你最好乘車去那里,因為路很遠。

③ why not buy the green coat? 為什么不去買一件綠色的外衣呢?

④ what about playing basketball with us tomorrow? 明天和我們一起去打籃球好嗎?

⑤ let’s not tell him the news. 讓我們不要告訴他這個消息。

⑥ shall we give him some cakes instead? 讓我們給他一些蛋糕吧?

3. i’d like to buy a pair of football boots. 我想要買一雙足球鞋。

【要點詳解】a pair of 表示“一雙”的意思,后面要跟名詞復數形式。比如:

a pair of trousers 一條褲子 a pair of shoes 一雙鞋子 a pair of gloves 一副手套

【問題探究】常用的量詞是piece, 它能和很多名詞連接。此外,一些固定的搭配有:a bar of chocolate 一條巧克力 a loaf of bread 一條面包

a cake of soap 一塊肥皂 a carton of milk 一盒牛奶

a bowl of rice 一碗米飯 a plate of grapes 一盤葡萄

a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡 a glass of water 一玻璃杯水

a bag of apples 一袋蘋果 a basket of pears 一籃梨

a box of balls 一箱球 a basin of clothes 一臉盆的衣服

4. what size are your feet? i’m a size eight. 你的腳是幾號的?我是八號的。


① what size are your trousers? 你的褲子是什么尺寸的?

② what size coat do you wear? 你穿著什么尺寸的外套?

5. could i try them on? 我能試穿它們嗎?

【要點詳解1】try on表示“試穿”意思,比如。

① you should try it on before you buy the coat. 在你買外套之前你應該試穿一下。

② please try on the shoes first. 請先試穿一下那些鞋子。

【要點詳解2】同學們,你們知道為什么我們說try them on,而不說try on them嗎?對,在一般情況下人稱代詞放在動詞和介詞構成的詞組之間,類似的情況還有:

pick it up 把它撿起來 turn it on 打開它

take it off 把它脫下來 work it out 把它解出來

6. well, they fit very well. 他們很合適。


――how do the trousers fit you ? ――very well. ――這褲子合適嗎?――是的,和合適。

【知識拓展】fit還可做形容詞,表示“合適”,可用作be fit for表示“適合”,比如:

① she is fit for the job. 她適合這個工作。

② the book is fit for the boy. 這本書適合那個男孩讀。

7. shopping dialogue 購物對話


what can i do for you? can i help you? 你想買什么?

do you have story books? 你有故事書嗎?

can i have a look / look at the blue one over there 我能看一下在那邊的藍色的嗎?

how much does it cost? how much is it? 它多少錢?

can i try it on? 我能試穿一下嗎?

i’m afraid it’s a little expensive /dear. 恐怕它有點貴。

do you have a cheaper one? 你有便宜一點的嗎?

there is a discount on the book. 這本書可以打折。

which one do you like? 你喜歡哪一個?

i’ll take / have / buy it. 我要買。




the key _________(合適)the lock?

is a big ___________(超市) near our school, we often go _________(購物)there after school.

_________(國家) does your friend timmy come from?

young man wants to buy a new house in the_________(中心) of the city.

5. i think suzhou is a nice__________(地方) to live.

--yes, i think so.

6.--where shall we have lunch today?

--what about have it in a ___________(餐館) near our home?

there anything important in today’s ___________(報紙)?

little girl ___________(節省) some money and sent it to her pen fiend from guizhou.

9. there is a lot of ____________(文具) in this shop.

10. what’s the __________(價格) of this t-shirt?


11. i’d like to buy a pair of jeans.(就劃線部分提問)

jacket is eighty yuan. (就劃線部分提問)

writes an e-mail to her sister in english every day.(改成現在進行時)

are you doing? (chat with my parents)(用括號里提供的短語回答問題)

15. they sometimes play basketball after school. (就劃線部分提問)


16. what size are your ______________(foot)?

boots are too expensive, do you have some _______________(cheap) ones?

18.i have a lovely dog. ___________(it) back is black and white.

19.i like this pair of gloves. could i try __________(they) on?

20. are you free this sunday? i’d like ____________(invite) you to my birthday party.

likes____________(listen) to music. she spends a lot of free time ___________(listen) to music.

iv. 精心選一選

it’s sunday afternoon. mary goes to do the shopping with her mother. her mother wants to buy some food for supper. mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. they come to a new shop.

“what does your shop sell?”mary asks. “a lot of things.” the girl in the shop says. mary finds a nice white skirt.

“how much is the skirt?” mary asks the girl in the shop.

“it’s eighty yuan. ”

“ that’s too dear. can i find a cheap one?”

“what about the green one? it looks nice. and it’s only thirty yuan. ”

“ok, thanks a lot.”

“you are welcome. ”

after that, mary buys some school things, too. her mother buys a lot of things, like bread, meat and fish. they get home very late.

goes to do the shopping with her mother on _____.

a. saturday b. afternoon c. saturday morning d. sunday

wants to buy a new skirt and ______.

a. some school things b. some drinks

c. some clothes d. some food

finds a nice_____ skirt, but it’s too dear.

a. green b. red c. white d. cheap

green skirt is________.

a. nice but dear b. nice and cheap c. not nice but cheap d. not nice and cheap

’s mother doesn’t buy any_______ for supper.

a. eggs b. fish c. meat d. bread



there are__27__students in the classroom now. they’re __28__ an english lesson. they have an english lesson __29__monday __30__friday. look! __31__standing before the blackboard? that’s lucy. she __32__something on the blackboard. is the young woman __33__ the window __34__english teacher? yes, she’s a __35__teacher, but she __36__well. what’s she doing now? she’s asking one of her students a question about new york.

27.a. no b. a lot c. some d. any

28.a. having b. are having c. have d. are have

29.a. on b. to c. in d. from

30.a. on b. to c. in d. from

31.a. who b. who’s c. whose d. what

32.a. write b. writes c. writing d. is writing

33.a. by b. in c. on d. under

34.a. he b. they c. their d. them

35.a. new b. old c. tall d. short

36.a. study b. studies c. teach d. teaches


it is sunday. we do not have any classes. we are playing in the park. it is a fine day. there are a lot of boys and girls in the park. some boys are swimming in the lake and others are flying kites. li lei is very good at it, and he is flying a very nice one with lin tao over there. sam and bill like swimming. they are now swimming. how well they are swimming! some of the girls are swimming in the lake, too.

look, what are lily and lucy doing? they are talking with some chinese students. they are learning to speak chinese. miss gao is helping tem. mr and mrs green are sitting under a tree. they are looking after the clothes for the swimmers.

it is good to be out in the park on a fine day!

are li lei and his friends doing?

a. they are under a big tree. b. they are talking to their english friends.

c. they are playing in the park. d. they are all swimming in the lake.

are lucy and lily doing?

a. they are having a chinese lesson. b. they are talking in chinese.

c. they are talking with miss gao. d. they are helping some chinese students.

are under the tree near the lake?

a. mr and mrs green. b. the children’s clothes.

c. a chair and a desk. d. some food and drink.

of these is not right?

a. it is a fine day.

b. there are no girls in sam’s class.

c. children can swim in the lake of the park.

d. some chinese students are talking to lily and lucy.


there has a park near my home and 41.__________

we can see a small shop in it. a shop sells 42.__________

a lot things. on sundays i often go to the 43.__________

park with mine parents. we often 44.__________

sell things in the shop. we also have 45.__________

anything to drink there. i like 46.__________

oranges and my parents like tea. we often 47.__________

go back to home at 5:00. 48.__________


1. fit 2. supermarket, shopping y

6. restaurant 7. newspaper nery

would you like to do?

much is this jacket?

is writing an e-mail to her sister in english.

14.i’m chatting with my parents.

often do they play basketball after school?

r invite

ing, listening

22-26: d a c b a

27-36:c a d b b d a c a d

37-40:c b b b

→is 42.a →the

→lot of →my

→buy ng →something

s →orange to →back

lesson 4 let’s go shopping


1. it is easy to find. 很容易找到。

【要點詳解】 it is + adj. + to do something. 表示“做某事很。。。”,比如:

it is very difficult to finish the work in two days. 在兩天之內完成那項工作很困難。

is it interesting to visit the farm? 去參觀農場很有趣嗎?

【問題探究】這個句型的否定形式是it is + adj. + not to do something. 請看例句。

it is not so easy to win the game. 要贏得比賽可不那么容易。

it is not happy for him to play with his little sister. 和他的小妹妹玩不是一件高興的事。

2. there are five floors of shops and each of floor is very big. 有五層樓的商店,且每層樓面都很大。


how many floors are there in the building? 這幢樓里有幾層?

【問題探究】表示“在第幾層時”我們說on the (用序數詞) floor。比如:

i live on the second floor. 我住在第二層。

【知識拓展】同學們,你們知道嗎?在英美兩國,具體樓層的表達是不一樣的,比如,在英式英語中,一樓是the ground floor;二樓是the first floor;而在美式英語中,一樓是the first floor;二樓是the second floor。所以如果你們以后到英美國家去,千萬別搞錯了!


① each student can go there tomorrow. 明天每個學生都可以去那里。

② they each come here by bike. 他們每個人都騎自行車來這里的。


each can have one apple, but not two. 每個人可以拿一個蘋果,但不是兩個。

we read the letter to him each. 我們每個人都讀了一遍信給他聽。

3. this is great for girls. 這對女孩來說真是太好了。

【要點詳解】be great for somebody 對某人來說真是太好了。此外,我們還可以說be good for somebody。比如:

the game is good for boys. 這游戲對男孩來說很好。

4. i think the mall needs some more. 我認為那個大型購物中心需要更多的。

【要點詳解】some more意思是“更多的”,比如:

① can i have some more water? 我能再要點水嗎?

② who wants some more apples? 誰想再要些蘋果?

5.you can eat different kinds of food from different countries. 你能吃到來自不同國家的不同食物。

【要點詳解】different kinds of 意思是“不同種的”,a kind of表示“一種”,比如:

a kind of books 一類書 a kind of orange 一種桔汁

6. i like watching a film before going shopping. 我喜歡在購物前去看場電影。

【要點詳解】在這個句子中going shopping從語法上講是現在分詞作時間狀語。比如

before going to bed, i read some books last night. 昨晚在睡覺前我看了一些書。

after saying goodbye to him, she left the house. 對他說了聲再見,她離開了屋子。

【知識拓展】在這句話中還有一個詞組,你們找到了嗎?是的,watch a film表示“看電影”,你們知道它還有其他的表達方式嗎?是的,我們還可以說

see a film go to the cinema watch a movie go to the movies


看電視watch tv 看戲 see a play 去聽音樂會 go to a concert

7. when i am playing a game, there are always lots of people waiting for me to finish. 當我在玩游戲時,那兒總是有很多人在等我快點結束。

the mall is a really fun place to go. 那個購物中心確實是個有趣的地方。

it is a good place to meet friends. 它是和朋友會面的好地方。


this is an interesting book to read. 這是一本有趣的書。

he is a funny person to talk to. 他是一個能和他交談的有趣的人。

【問題探究】一般說來,用動詞不定式做定語時,動詞不定式的動詞應是及物動詞或不及物動詞詞組,但在口語或不太規范的情況下也可直接用不及物動詞,比如第二個例句the mall is a really fun place to go ( to ). 再如,課本中多次出現的短語a place to live ( in )等。

8. she is having a stomach ache. 她肚子痛。

【要點詳解】ache表示“痛”,比如:toothache 牙痛 headache 頭痛。 請看例句:

she always has a toothache. 她總是牙痛。

――what is wrong with you? ――i’m having headache. ――你怎么了?――我頭痛。




a: how many students are there in your class?

b: there are_________________________________.

a: how many girls are there?

b: _________________________________________.

a: how many boys are there?

b: _________________________________________.

a: how many young pioneers are there?

b: __________________________________________.

a: how many teachers are there in your school?

b: let me see. er, _______________, i think.

ii. 耐心填一填


are you doing?

--i ________ (make) dumplings.

! some boys _________(run) near the lake.

are some people under the tree. one of them ________(read) and three of them ______(play) games.

you good at___________(skate)?

classmates are from different_________(country)

6.____________(not talk). they are having a class.

7.__________like uncle wang very much because he often helps ________.(they)

8.i like_________(read) some books before_________(go) to bed.

of the cat’s leg is broken. it _________(need) some help.

often helps her grandma_________(carry) water at weekends.


are looking for something.(改為否定句)

12. he’s doing his homework in the classroom.(改為復數形式)

13. book, riding, you, a, bike, reading, are, or, a (連詞成句)

14. and, boy, clothes, it’s, the, o’clock, his, seven, putting, now, is, on (連詞成句)

have some chinese friends.(改為一般疑問句)

iii. 精心選一選

teaches________ chinese?

a. you b. your c. yours d. yourself

many boats_______in the river?


a. is there, there is only five b. are, they are very, very big

c. have, they’re only five d. are there, there are only five

likes_____ tv at home on sundays, but sometimes he goes to _____a film.

a. watch, see b. watching, seeing c. watching, see d. seeing, watch

________your school things?

--look! _______on the desk.

a. are, they’re b. is, it’s c. are, it’s d. is, they’re

is my friend lily’s cat. can you look after______ for_______?

a. her, it b. it, her c. hers, it d. it, she

is a bird________in the tree.

a. sing b. singing c. sings d. to sing

’s too hot today. please give______ a bottle of orange.

a. his b. my c. i d. him

and mrs green often help my sister and______ with _______ english.

a. i, our b. me, our c. i, us d. me, us

’t worry. there ______ to finish the work before 10 o’clock.

a. is enough time b. are time enough

c. is an enough time d. are enough time

large shopping mall is easy_________.

a. to find it b. find it c. to find d. find










mr white has a small shop in the middle of our __31__, and he sells pictures in it. they are not __32__ ones, but some of them are quite nice. last saturday a woman came into the shop and looked at lot of pictures. then she __33__ mr white to one of them and said, “how __34__do you want for this one?” it was a picture of horses in a field.

mr white looked at it for __35__ seconds and then went and brought his book. he opened it, looked at the first __36__ and then said, “i want twenty pounds for that one. ”

the woman closed her __37__ for a moment and then said, “i can give you two pounds for it.”

“two pounds?” mr white said __38__,“two pounds? but the canvas(畫布) costs __39__ two pounds.”

“oh, but it was __40__ then,” the woman said.

31.a. road b. park c. river d. town

32.a. expensive b. cheap c. good d. true

33.a. brought b. had c. took d. wanted

34.a. money b. many c. much d. number

35.a. few b. a few c. little d. a little

36.a. copy b. page c. sentence d. word

37.a. pocket b. hands c. mouth d. eyes

38.a. angrily b. happily c. friendly d. quietly

39.a. fewer than b. less than c. more than d. more or less

40.a. white b. clean c. useful d. beautiful


i work in a small shop. it is near a factory. every day, workers, old ladies and housewives come to the shop to buy things.

i live in a house not very far from the shop. i usually get up at six, have breakfast and then go to work by bike. i take some food along in my lunch box.

i get to the shop at about ten to seven. at seven customers(顧客) begin to arrive. they buy meat, eggs, sugar, soybean sauce, cooking oil, salt, candies, biscuits and many other things. we don’t sell vegetables or fruit. there is a shop for those things nearby.

i have my meal at noon from my lunch box. at seven in the evening we close the shop. i tidy things up and then go home for supper.

some people may think my work isn’t so interesting. but i do my bit for the four modernization(現代化), don’t i?

does the“i”in the passage do? she is a_______.

a. worker b. customer c. teacher d. saleswoman

shop is a ______ shop.

a. grocery(副食) b. vegetable c. fruit d. grain(糧食)

long does she work every day?

a. five hours b. thirteen hours c. twelve hours d. eight hours

house is _____ the shop. she often goes to work______.

a. very far from, by bus b. very close to, by bike

c. very far from, by bike d. very close to, on foot

does she like about her work?

a. she thinks her work is too tired.

b. she doesn’t like having lunch in the shop.

c. she thinks the long-hour work is a pleasure.

d. she likes her work a lot though she is busy all day.


today is on sunday. children don’t go to school today. 46.___________

there are many children in the park. they are student of 47.___________

class 1. they are play games there. some are flying kites, some 48.___________

are singing and dancing. there is two boys boating 49.___________

on the middle of the river. there are two women with them. 50.___________

they are their teachers. all the children look very happily. 51.___________


making running reading , are playing g ies

’t talk , them g, going

aren’t looking for anything.

’re doing their homework in the classroom.

you riding a bike or reading a book?

’s seven o’clock now and the boy is putting on his clothes.

they have any chinese friends?

16-25: a d c a b b d b a c

2 is a baby crying in the room.

2 there anybody singing in the music room?

you like to go shopping with me tonight?

can eat different kinds of food in this restaurant.

30. i think parks are good places to do morning exercise./

i think a park is a good place to do morning exercise.

31-40: daacb bdacb

41-45: dacbd

sunday →sunday t →students

→playing →are

→in y →happy


unit 3 let’s celebrate!


在中世紀,人們穿上動物造型的服飾、戴上可怕的面具是想在萬圣節前夜驅趕黑夜中的鬼怪. 現在,孩子們帶著開玩笑的心理穿戴上各種服飾和面具參加萬圣節舞會,這些舞會四周的墻上往往懸掛著用紙糊的巫婆、黑貓、鬼怪和尸骨,窗前和門口則吊著齜牙裂嘴或是面目可憎的南瓜燈籠。更為有趣的是孩子們在這天穿戴上古怪的服飾去按鄰居家的門鈴,并按傳統發出“是款待我還是要我耍花招”的威脅。鄰居們不管是否被嚇著,總是準備了一些糖果、蘋果等點心,孩子們則一一收入自己的袋內。同學們,聽了我的介紹,是否也有興趣去感受一番呢?



話題 1 use questions and answers to talk about halloween.

2 introduce some special days.

3 use vocabulary to talk about the chinese new year in new york.


詞匯 有關描寫萬圣節的詞匯

halloween, dress up, ghost, special, trick or treat, shout, usually, candy, treat, if, play a trick, costume, mask, paint, face, own, pumpkin, lantern, cut out, shape, sharp, tooth, chocolate, winter, cold, drink, west, in the west, candle, sweet, through, warm


christmas, the dragon boat festival, easter, the mid-autumn festival, new year’s day, may day, children’s day, teachers’ day, national day

3 有關季節,月份以及星期名稱的詞匯

date, season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december, sunday, saturday


聚焦 prepositions of time

asking ‘wh-‘ questions

using ‘some’ / ‘any’


在線 表達最喜歡……的句式,如:

which is your favourite festival?

which festival do you like best?


why do you like the mid-autumn festival?


who is mr wu? he is our teacher.

whose bag is this? it’s mine.

when is your birthday? it is on 2nd may.

where is my pen? it is in the pencil case.

how do you go to school? i go to school by bus.


培養 1. 聽 根據圖畫,了解中西方不%c


















散漫中,我們來到河邊一個寫有private parking的小院,在這里暫時繞開喧鬧,感受這座學府應有的寧靜。























1.? letters:

a? a???? b? b??? c? c??? d? d????? e? e????? f f??? g g???? h h??? i i??? j?? j??? k? k

2.? words:

book? ruler? pencil? pen? rubber? bag

3.? sentences:

1). stand up, please.????? 2). sit down, please.???????? 3). open your book.??????? 4). close your book.????????? 5). how are you?????????? fine, thank you.????????? 7). good morning.?????? good morning.

4.? games about stationery

paper,? a pencil.? /?? i can see.?? /?? paper, a pencil? /? for you and me!

replace with the following words:

book?? ruler??? pencil?? rubber?? pen?? bag

5.? song

good morning

6.? exercise

unit1 my classroom(我的教室)

the following letters(寫會下列字母): a a,b b,c c,d d,e e,f f,g g,h h,i i,j j,k k 2. words(單詞): book(書)ruler(尺),pencil(鉛筆),pen(鋼筆),rubber(橡皮),bag(包). the sentences(讀熟句子):1). stand up, please.請起立。2). sit down, please.請坐。3). open your book.打開書。4). close your book(合上書) 5). how are you?(你好嗎?)fine, thank you.(很好。謝謝)7). good morning.(早上好。)good morning.(早上好。)4. games about stationery(文具游戲):paper,? a pencil. / i can see. / paper, a pencil / for you and me!? 紙張,鉛筆我能看見。紙張,鉛筆。給我和你??? replace with the following words(用下列詞替換): book,ruler,pencil,rubber,pen,bag (歌曲):good morning? good morning,good morning,/good morning,teacher./i take my bag and book,/my bag and book to school./早上好,早上好。/老師,早上好。/我帶著書包和書/到學校。6. exercise(練習):1)按順序填空ab_de,fghi_k.2)寫出對應的大小寫字母a_f_d_k_.3)情景會話:good morning!_______./how are you?


今天我說課的內容是《牛津初中英語》8a unit 2 school life的reading第一課時。對于這節課我將以教什么、怎么教、為什么這么教為思路,從教材分析、教法分析、學法分析和教學過程四個方面加以說明。

一 說教材

本課以school lives為話題,以學習life in a british school and in an american school為載體,以find out the differences between a british school and an american school為任務。為了使學生對這一話題更感興趣,在教學過程中,我準備采用多媒體輔助教學這一教學模式設置情境,有效地將單詞、句子和情景相結合,達到語言點的靈活運用和學生學以致用的目的。

教學目標:能聽懂,會說,會讀,會拼寫單詞mixed,subject,sew,tasty,hero,close,taste and article.能根據關鍵詞和上下語境猜測課文大意。

重難點:本課是reading的第一課時,主要為了完成這樣一個任務,即通過閱讀理解文章主題,通過設計一些如true or false questions, answer questions, fill in the blanks, line the words等練習題檢查學生對課文的理解程度。由于新課程標準要求大力培養學生的閱讀能力,所以通過閱讀理解文章大意就成了本課的重點。通過對文章的理解要求學生能用自己的語言描述出相關內容,這就是本課的難點。

二 說教法

1. 直觀情境教學法:本課將利用多媒體創設情境,激發學生的好奇心和求知欲;設置語境,使學生體驗語言的真實、自然,從而培養學生組織和表達語言的能力。

2. 任務型教學法:根據任務型教學的原則設計語言實踐活動,通過學生體驗、參與、合作、交流、探究等方式學習和使用英語,從而完成教學任務。

3. 活動式教學法:在本課的教學中,主要采用跟讀、分組朗讀、分角色朗讀等多種閱讀方式,將書本知識融入活動中,讓學生在活動中不斷的.吸收、內化所學知識。

4. 循序漸進,達到目標教學法:英語畢竟是一門外語,學生缺乏語言環境。要掌握本課內容不能一蹴而就,可以將重點難點分解到各個教學環節中去,為學生搭建一個坡度合適的臺階,幫助他們一步步實現目標。

5. 注重過程評價,促進學生發展教學法:為了實現新課程改革的發展目標,必須建立體現新課程教育理念的評價理念和評價體系。因此,教師應引進一些能激發學生學習興趣并使其形成自主學習的評價體系,多角度及時準確地評價學生,使他們感受成功,從而激發和培養學生學習的積極性和自信心。

三 說學法

1.“發現---探究---創新”學習法:為了充分發揮學生的主體性,我引導學生自己去設計活動,得出結論。在探究中培養學生的觀察能力和語言組織表達能力。 2.合作學習法:將學生分成若干小組,給學生以足夠的空間,參與的機會,充分展現個性和創造性。



四 說教學過程

step 1 warming-up

first let’s enjoy an english song! 同時屏幕上出現我們平時上課、課間活動及用餐時的照片,這些照片都與同學們平時的生活息息相關,很能吸引他們的注意力,同時也使學生對本課的內容產生了隨意注意。

step 2 lead in

利用多媒體呈現本課涉及的一些學校生活:reading week,driving lesson,home economics class,lunchtime,buddy club and softball game,要求學生6人一組,互相討論合作描述圖片內容。


step 3 presentation and practice

(1) 將課文中出現的第一幅圖片投影在屏幕上,同時提出兩個問題:who wrote the first passage? what activity does the school have every year? 讓學生帶著問題聽課文第一段錄音。

(2) 布置學生自己朗讀課文,根據上下語境理解文章主題,完成教師設置在屏幕上的“true or false” questions.學生回答問題時可以采取搶答式,小組間進行競爭。




(5)把學生分成4人小組,要求學生分段細讀課文,互相合作探討找出課文中出現的新單詞和一些比較難理解的句子,并嘗試根據上下語境理解其意思,完成教師設置在屏幕上的fill in the blanks and line the words練習題。



q1 which subject is john’s favourite?

q2 what can john cook now?

q3 what can john do during the reading week?

q4 what did jim do in school last year?

q5 how does nancy go to school every day? what does she think of it?

q6 what do the students do in the buddy club?

q7 why does nancy say julie is her hero?


step 4 activity

將學生分成6人小組,以小組為單位,要求他們充分發揮個性和創造性,在life in a british school和life in an american school兩個主題中任選一個,()用自己的語言去改編課文,然后每組推選一位同學上臺展現成果。


step 5 homework

(1) 要求學生用第三人稱改寫課文內容,向好朋友介紹一下美國和英國的學校生活。

(2) 要求學生多渠道地調查一下世界各地的學校生活,可以上網查詢,可以向親朋好友打聽,也可以翻看報紙雜志等。



































詞匯apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears, some聽得懂、會說、會讀、會拼寫

日常交際用語can i help you?

these or those?聽得懂、會說、會讀

句型what are these/ those?


how many kilos?

kilos, please.聽得懂、會說、會讀、會寫



1.能聽得懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears, some。

2.能聽得懂、會說和會讀日常交際用語can i help you? these or those?

3.能聽得懂、會說、會讀和會寫句型what are these/those? they’re….

how many kilos? … kilos, please.



6.能有表情地流利的誦讀歌謠《i like fruit》。


本單元的核心教學內容是“認物”,主要學習句子what are these/ those? they’re…。book4a中已經出現what’s this/ that? it’s…句型。教學中教師可以采用以舊帶新的方法,從單數句式引出復數句式,還可以通過單復數形式比較找出它們之間的區別。

本單元主要出現了水果類單詞,除lemons, strawberries, grapes三種水果是第一次出現以外,其余八種均在book3a第三單元中出現過。教師可通過句型do you like …? yes, i do./ no, i don’t.的問答教授這三個新單詞,并適當補充一些學生感興趣的水果單詞,如甘蔗(sugar cane),荔枝(lichee)等等。本單元出現的是這些單詞的復數形式,涉及到詞形、讀音的變化,是教學中的難點。教師可以對名詞復數的詞形和讀音進行歸類。

與本單元所出現的水果類單詞緊密結合的是在商店里購物的常用語can i help you? how many kilos? these or those?等。在教學中教師要注意創設購物情景,讓學生熟練自如的運用這些購物的基本用語。另外可以根據學生的具體情況適當補充一些其他購物用語或讓學有余力的學生課后去收集這類交際用語,以擴充他們的知識面、鍛煉他們的自主學習能力。




period 1

teaching aims and difficulties:

1. 能聽得懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears。能聽得懂、會說、會讀單詞pineapples, lemons, strawberries, mangoes。

2. 能聽得懂、會說、會讀和會寫句型what are these/those? they’re….

3. 學會有表情的朗讀歌謠《i like fruit》。




part a,b,c,e2,e3









step 1. greeting.

learn to sing the song ”a b c” together.

step 2. revision

1) have a dictation



3) game. 模仿教材e2中形式進行。句型可以略作調整。what’s this in my school bag? it’s a …


1. 四人小組進行游戲。




step 3. consolidation and practice

1. t: you did a good job. i’d like to buy a toy for my nephew. would you like to go with me? guess, what can you see in the toy shop?


2. 情境一,示范對話,并讓學生跟讀。

a: hello, … how are you?

b: fine, thank you. and you?

a: i’m fine , too. let’s go to the toy shop by bus.

b: ok, let’s go.

a: here we are.

b: look, what’s that on the door?

a: it’s a …

b: oh, i see. come here, … what’s this on the desk?

a: it’s a …

b: how nice!

a: a …, please.

c: ok, here you are.

3. 小組合作,看圖編對話。



a: hi, my name is … what’s your name?

b: my name is …i’m an english … i’m from …

nice to meet you.

a: nice to meet you, too. excuse me, what’s this in english?

b: it’s a packet of chips. what’s this in chinese?

a: han bao.

b: oh, i see. thank you.

5. 同桌模仿例子,編新對話。(師將提供的食品圖片貼在黑板上)

step 4. homework

1. 跟磁帶,大聲朗讀本單元課文五遍。

2. 提供圖片及句子,請學生給句子排序,變成對話。


1. 要在充分復習后,給學生創設表達的機會。

2. 情境創設要簡潔,大情境中設置若干個小情境。

3. 運用前有示范。若學生情況好,可以逐漸放手。






(1)、呈現自然,符合初一學生的年齡特點。以cartoon引出詞匯months of the year,并展示一首歌,唱出months of the year,這種方法很快吸引了學生的注意力,將枯燥的單詞變成學生喜歡的畫面和聲音。

(2)、根據學情,靈活調整課堂問題的難度。從warm-up和presentation這兩項活動中我感到該班級學生的英語基礎不是很好,語音也存在問題。如:當看完cartoon后,我問:what does the cartoon tell us?學生沒反應,于是我立刻降低了問題的難度,改為:does it tell us the seasons?此后,我一直注意課堂所提問題的難度。


或許由于緊張,剛開始授課的時候,學生不敢發言,聲音小,課堂氣氛不夠活躍,我立刻采取了一些應對措施:①讓學生坐著發言,消除緊張心理;②多用鼓勵性語言。我沒有直接指令學生:please speak loudly,而是從另一個角度鼓勵他們:you are brave! you can answer my questions loudly.漸漸地舉手發言的人多了,聲音也大了。③開展小組競賽活動,調動學生的積極性,使不同層次的.學生都能參與到課堂活動中。④利用看動畫、唱歌、讀韻律詩、做游戲這些有趣的活動形式,激發興趣。⑤注意自己的教態,讓學生感受到真誠、平等和關愛。課的開始,我就說:i’d like to be your friend. would you like to be my friends?讓學生感到我們是平等的。事實證明,學生們都很喜歡我,積極參加每一項活動,師生互動,生生互動,配合默契,活動質量很高。


(5)、聯系生活實際,滲透思想教育。本節課中我不失時機地對學生進行育人教育。如:①在課前我送給學生一句名言:you have to believe in yourself,that’s the secret of success!②在教teachers’ day 時,學生說:we buy presents for our teachers on teachers’day. 我接著說:you are good students. but we teachers don’t need your presents. your hard work is enough. ③在討論dragon boat festival 的活動時,我引導學生談到屈原。我說:quyuan loved his country very much. we must learn from him.












第二、玩中有學 學中有玩

愛玩是孩子的本性。我就利用這一點,注意讓學生在各種游戲中學習單詞,而不是死記硬背單詞。我先以各種不同形式把要記的單詞實行整體大量輸入,采用各種游戲形式進行滲透,如pass the card 、do the action、find your friend 、draw and colour ,在游戲中通過多聽、反復感覺,從而在腦海里的印象就加深了,這樣不僅可以讓學生記住了單詞,還可以減輕他們的心理壓力和負擔,給學生一個輕松和諧的語言環境,也使得課堂充滿活力。教學實踐證明,在英語教學中,游戲是深受學生歡迎的活動。可以說:它是英語教學的“潤滑劑”。讓學生在游戲中練習,讓富有情趣的活動去誘發學生反復練習同一語言的欲望,在愉快、和諧、歡樂的氣氛中鞏固學到的知識,使他們的大腦皮層始終處于興奮狀態。






good morning, ladies and gentleman. today, i feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading.

in the reading process, i will focus on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. in other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independently. my teaching plan will include 3 sections. they’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.

section 1 analysis of the teaching material

the selected teaching material is a magazine article taken from the project section of module 11, unit 2 of advance with english. the article is about british students who take a gap year, which is intended to develop the theme of the unit, that is, getting a job. after analyzing it carefully, i find the article has two unique characteristics. first, it’s a long passage with 688 words, much more than the usual texts. second, it deals with a new topic, that is, a gap year. the topic is unfamiliar to most students.

section 2 identifying the teaching aims

based on the analysis of the teaching material, i have chosen the following as the teaching aims of my lesson:

the 1st aim: students learn the skills and strategies to read a prolonged text.

the 2nd aim: students get a better understanding of what a gap year is.

the 3rd aim: students are encouraged to figure out the implied meaning.

the 4th aim: students are familiar with various expressions or approaches to express the same idea.

section 3 teaching procedures

in order to achieve the teaching aims mentioned above, i decide to choose guided reading and task-based teaching as the main teaching approaches. with the teaching methods, i can guide students to use effective reading strategies to browse the text, solve problems and complete different tasks. the teaching procedures include four parts. they’re getting ready, focusing on main facts, reading between the lines and responding the text.

part 1 getting ready

reading begins before a book is opened. it’s important to activate students’ existing background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the text. in this part, i will use the pre-reading activities to increase students ‘concentration, arouse their curiosities, fire their imagination and give them a purpose for reading.

the part consists of two tasks:

task 1: a time machine i start my lesson by asking senior 3 students what the date is. then, i go on to show a picture of a time machine. i tell students that the machine with a magic power will bring them to their graduation from high school, which is 1 year away. at that point, i get them to imagine where they are and what they are doing. after it, i give a summary of their presentations as follows: after leaving high school, most of chinese students go straight to university. yes, at this time next year, most of you will be studying in a university .(with the task, i inspire students’ former knowledge and imagination about graduating from high school and going to college, which can draw their attention to the theme of the reading material and get them ready for the following reading)

task 2: brainstorming after the summary, i go on to show some more pictures of british fresh students from high schools, and tell students that more and more students in the uk are doing something different instead of going straight to university. after that, i play the tape of paragraph1 and get students to catch the answer to the question: they will travel or work on projects for up to a year before entering university (with the task, i excite students’ desire to know more about what their british equivalents will do before going to a college. with the question in mind, students will definitely be eager to listen to the tape to find the answer )

part 2 focusing on main facts

during the part, i will ask the students to answer the question—what does the author say? students are supposed to get a main idea of the text and understand the basic meaning of the text. questions of this kind are not very difficult and they can be answered directly from the text.

the part includes six tasks:

task 1:three examples. i move on to tell students as follows: last year, carol smith, daniel and martin johnson, 3 students from the uk, went to some remote places and did something special. after the instructions, i play the tape of paragraphs 4-6 and get students to complete the following table (with the task, i get students to listen to the three paragraphs instead of reading them, thus reducing the amount of reading time and reliving their psychological burden, otherwise students would be discouraged by such a long article)

task 2: matching after listening, i get students to open books and scan the three paragraphs to check the answers to the previous table. then they’re required to complete another table with a second reading: whom do the results belong to? carol________ daniel________ martin_______


good morning, ladies and gentleman. today, i feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading.

in the reading process, i will focus on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. in other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independently. my teaching plan will include 3 sections. they’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.

section 1 analysis of the teaching material

the selected teaching material is a magazine article taken from the project section of module 11, unit 2 of advance with english. the article is about british students who take a gap year, which is intended to develop the theme of the unit, that is, getting a job. after analyzing it carefully, i find the article has two unique characteristics. first, it’s a long passage with 688 words, much more than the usual texts. second, it deals with a new topic, that is, a gap year. the topic is unfamiliar to most students.

section 2 identifying the teaching aims

based on the analysis of the teaching material, i have chosen the following as the teaching aims of my lesson:

the 1st aim: students learn the skills and strategies to read a prolonged text.

the 2nd aim: students get a better understanding of what a gap year is.

the 3rd aim: students are encouraged to figure out the implied meaning.

the 4th aim: students are familiar with various expressions or approaches to express the same idea.

section 3 teaching procedures

in order to achieve the teaching aims mentioned above, i decide to choose guided reading and task-based teaching as the main teaching approaches. with the teaching methods, i can guide students to use effective reading strategies to browse the text, solve problems and complete different tasks. the teaching procedures include four parts. they’re getting ready, focusing on main facts, reading between the lines and responding the text.

part 1 getting ready

reading begins before a book is opened. it’s important to activate students’ existing background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the text. in this part, i will use the pre-reading activities to increase students ‘concentration, arouse their curiosities, fire their imagination and give them a purpose for reading.

the part consists of two tasks:

task 1: a time machine i start my lesson by asking senior 3 students what the date is. then, i go on to show a picture of a time machine. i tell students that the machine with a magic power will bring them to their graduation from high school, which is 1 year away. at that point, i get them to imagine where they are and what they are doing. after it, i give a summary of their presentations as follows: after leaving high school, most of chinese students go straight to university. yes, at this time next year, most of you will be studying in a university .(with the task, i inspire students’ former knowledge and imagination about graduating from high school and going to college, which can draw their attention to the theme of the reading material and get them ready for the following reading)

task 2: brainstorming after the summary, i go on to show some more pictures of british fresh students from high schools, and tell students that more and more students in the uk are doing something different instead of going straight to university. after that, i play the tape of paragraph1 and get students to catch the answer to the question: they will travel or work on projects for up to a year before entering university (with the task, i excite students’ desire to know more about what their british equivalents will do before going to a college. with the question in mind, students will definitely be eager to listen to the tape to find the answer )

part 2 focusing on main facts

during the part, i will ask the students to answer the question—what does the author say? students are supposed to get a main idea of the text and understand the basic meaning of the text. questions of this kind are not very difficult and they can be answered directly from the text.

the part includes six tasks:

task 1:three examples. i move on to tell students as follows: last year, carol smith, daniel and martin johnson, 3 students from the uk, went to some remote places and did something special. after the instructions, i play the tape of paragraphs 4-6 and get students to complete the following table (with the task, i get students to listen to the three paragraphs instead of reading them, thus reducing the amount of reading time and reliving their psychological burden, otherwise students would be discouraged by such a long article)

task 2: matching after listening, i get students to open books and scan the three paragraphs to check the answers to the previous table. then they’re required to complete another table with a second reading: whom do the results belong to? carol________ daniel________ martin_______

a felt being part of another culture b be more independent

c found it challenging and rewarding d felt that it was a special experience

e ready to face challenges in the future f learnt how to deal with difficult situation

g felt like she really made a difference h learnt a lot about getting on with local people (with the task, students learn to use a table to gather the main facts about the three british students they’ll know that a table is of great help in their future reading)

task 3: scanning for a detail. i get students to scan the rest paragraphs and find the answer to the question: what do people call the year off between finishing school and starting university? in doing so, i introduce the theme of the article and write on the blackboard the title: mind the gap year (with the task, students are expected to grasp the theme of the article. the task serves as a bridge, which connects the main facts in paragraphs 4-6 to the opinions about the gap year in the rest paragraphs)

task 4:definition of the gap year. students watch a vcr with a question in mind: what three types of activities do the uk students choose to do during a gap year? the key is: many students use that time to travel, learn new skills or be a charity volunteer (the task serves as a supplementary to the second task of part 1. with the task, students are expected to know more about the gap year)

task 5: history of the gap year i play a second vcr and get students to answer the question: when did the gap year start in the uk? (the task enables students to have a good knowledge of the history of the gap year)

task 6: comments the second, third, seventh, eighth paragraphs deal with theme of the government, universities, employers and the public on students taking a gap year before going to college. i get students to read the four paragraphs to gather theme and complete the table (the task helps students get a further understanding of the role. a table plays in helping gathering main facts or opinions).

part 3 read between the lines: in third part, i will encourage the students to answer the question—what does the author mean? as we know, information in a reading passage is not always stated directly. sometimes students have to infer, or make guesses according the information which is available in the reading. so in this part, the students are asked to infer the implied meaning, distinguish the main ideas from the supporting details. the part consists of three tasks.

task 1: similar sentences the english language enjoys various ways of expressing the same thing or idea. as we can see, the second and third paragraphs are similar to the seventh and eighth paragraphs in the content, both dealing with comments on the gap year. some sentences actually express the same comments. i will get students to read the four paragraphs for a second time to find out the similar sentences(the first is done as an example) ⑴it (a gap year) is more than just a long holiday(line 50) a gap year is more than just a year away from studying ⑵employers say they prefer to hire graduates who have taken a gap year (line 15) ______________________________ (3)a gap year gives young people an opportunity to learn skills and gain life experience. it helps young people develop and grow (lines 17-18) ______________________________ (4)living away from home taught me to be more independent (lines 22-23) ______________________________ (the task is designed to help students learn and use different ways to express the same idea. the task gets students ready for talking and writing about the gap year in the next part)

task 2: guessing from the context i get students to guess from the context the meanings of the four words or phrases: ⑴the career ladder (line 4) ________________________ ⑵every point of the pass (line 5) ________________________ (3)delicate (line 22) ________________________ (4)an edge in the job market (line 54) ________________________ (the task helps students to recognize that in most language-leaning situations they will come across vocabulary they don’t know. with the task, students are guided to look at the context in which a word or phrase is used and try to find any clues to its meanings)

task 3: benefits students are asked to collect advantages of taking a gap year in the text. after that, students have the chance to listen to a third vcr, which contains more information about advantages. while listening, students are encouraged to take notes of what they can catch □ teach students to be independent; □ help students develop and grow; □ learn new skills; □ see life in a different way; □ be ready to face challenges; □ gain life experience (the task is intended for students to collect more information about students taking a gap year, which also makes them well prepared for the writing task in the next part)

task 4: recognizing the implied message i play a fourth vcr. while listening, students are expected to fill in the two blanks: actually, a year off is not a gap, but a time for personal growth and d_______, a b______ between two important periods in life. (with the task, students will know about how to plan a gap year and what taking a gap year really means to them. it gets them ready for the next task.)

task 5: understanding the title after reading the whole text, i will get students to focus on the title. mind the gap (the task is designed to help students fully understand the hidden meaning of the title: they are expected to make full of the gap year to develop themselves)

part 4 responding to the text i encourage the students to answer the question—what does the idea mean to me? as we all know, most writers are prejudiced in some way and try to convince their readers of something, or influence them to look at things in a certain way. so it is important to train students to read critically. the part consists of two tasks.

task 1: i conduct a survey to see what students think of taking a gap year and at the same time complete the table (the task is aimed at making students be critical readers. the students should be encouraged to make judgment about the authors text)

task 2: after the survey, students are asked to write a composition of 120 words about their ideas of taking a gap year before going to college (the task aims to consolidate the information they have learnt and also improve speaking and writing skills)

ok, so much for my teaching plan. thanks for your attention.




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