Good temper is the best dress a man can wear in social life.
Try your best and hope for the worst.
You have to have a dream so you can get out of bed in the morning.
Wandering to it, always in a corner of the world to find willing to understand you.
It's not that success is too far away from us, but that we insist too little.
最新英語諺語:事后諸葛亮好當。It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.
堅持的諺語英語翻譯:當女人用柔弱把自己武裝起來時,她們是最堅強的。When they arm themselves with a w
英語高考高頻諺語:先胖不會胖,后胖壓塌床。First fat not fat, then fat collapse bed.
保護環境英語諺語:英語諺語不要讓流失的水成為后人的淚。Don't let the lost water become the tears of
英語高考高頻諺語:行者常至,為者常成。He who always comes, he who always does.
堅持的諺語英語翻譯:堅持者能在命運風暴中奮斗。those who persist can fight in the storm of fate.
努力專注的英語諺語:沒有人爬山只為爬到山腰。為何甘于平庸呢。No one climbs the mountain just to get
高考英語諺語情景交際:龍眼識珠,鳳眼識寶,牛眼識草。The dragon eye knows the Pearl, the phoenix eye
高考英語諺語情景交際:牛不訓不會耕,馬不練不能騎。Cattle can't plough without training, and horses
最新英語諺語:不入虎穴,焉得虎子。Nothing dries sooner than a tear.