the most obvious sign of a great man is his strong will.
I am not a strong person, but I know that the strong, have to pretend to strong.
A person's strength is not to see how hard he shell, but look at how much his scar.
Gentle to have, but not compromise, we want to in the quiet, unhurried strong.
A person strong, doesn't mean he wasn't hurt. I'm strong, because you are strong enough.
努力專注的英語諺語:當一個人沒有成功的時候,裝也裝出成功的樣子。When a person is not successful, pr
努力專注的英語諺語:眼淚終究流不成海洋,人總要不斷成長。tears can't flow into the ocean after all.
堅持的諺語英語翻譯:當女人用柔弱把自己武裝起來時,她們是最堅強的。When they arm themselves with a w
2023英語高考必備諺語:好鐵要經三回爐,好書要經百回讀。A good iron needs three times, a good book ne
2023英語高考必備諺語:有菜半年糧,無菜半年荒。There are vegetables for half a year, but no vegetabl
努力專注的英語諺語:抱最大的希望,盡最大的努力,做最壞的打算。Try your best and hope for the worst.
最新英語諺語:沒有妒忌就沒有愛情。Love me, love my dog.
努力專注的英語諺語:那么刻意的去偽裝,卻還是騙不了自己的心。So deliberately to camouflage, but stil
堅持的諺語英語翻譯:一個人若是堅強太久,連自己也忘記了軟弱是什么樣的。For example, if a person is s
英語高考高頻諺語:先胖不會胖,后胖壓塌床。First fat not fat, then fat collapse bed.